Kyungsoo Edward Do

Dec 14, 2013 17:01


A/N this is for lyz who is the cutest loser in the planet happy birthday!!


baekhyun sighs and sadly looks over his home the only place hes known and waves goodbye to it through the car window. goodbye arizona.

baekhyuns mom has decided to move to florida and follow her dream of being a baseball players girlfriend and as much as baekhyun wants to be with her hes decided to go live with his dad. in washington. for a Whole Year.

he feels pained, having to leave his mom for so long (his only friend) but he hasnt seen much of his and decided a change was necessary. so here we are, in the airport hugging his mom goodbye and getting ready to fly out.

“call me as soon as you get there ok?” his mom says, there are tears in her eyes and he feels emotional.

“ok,” its choked and he knows if he stays any longer he’ll cry so he hugs her one last time “bye mom” and goes through check in.


washington is very grey and green. the trees are vibrant with life and the clouds are heavy with rain. “you’ll love the weather.” his dad says. maybe he thinks baekhyun is appraising everything from outside when he really he just wants to roll on the floor and feel the heat of the phoenix sun. “yeah.”


unpacking is easy, he only brought clothes and some books, his childhood room having his necessities, like a bed. his dad knocks “baek?”

“come in.” its nice, his mom used to just walk in. he thinks he’ll miss it.

“i have something for you its um outside if you want to come see.”

its a truck. a Very Old truck, red and ancient and baekhyun loves it.

he looks at his dad smiling, probably the first smile his had on his face for a while. “thank you”

his dad rubs the back of his neck shyly, and they give each other an awkward side hug. “its for school, im sure you dont want me driving you around in the cop car.”

baekhyun laughs and shakes his head.

its later at night when he remembers school and feels a wave of nervousness wash over him. he was never good with people. hopefully he can go unnoticed and just hangout in the library for the rest of the year. hopefully.


the school is nothing special, the buildings easy to memorize and hes happy he wont have to look like such a New Kid with the map in his hand. his first two classes go by just fine its not till his 3rd period, english, where someone talks to him.

the boy is tall, lanky, and very Very Loud.

“chanyeol, nice to meet you.”  baekhyun shakes his hand “baekhyun.”

“come sit with me baekhyun. youre new right?”

“uh yeah, first day.”

“wow, thats so crazy”

baekhyun doesnt really think theres anything crazy about being a new student but decides to nod along to whatever chanyeol is saying. before he knows it class is over and chanyeol is dragging him over to the cafeteria and introducing him to his friends. so much for the library.

“so,” sehun, if he remembers asks “arent you supposed to be really tan?”

jongdae, one of the girls chanyeol introduced slaps his arm and sehun mumbles “what hes from arizona”

baekhyun chuckles “i prefer to stay inside, im not really that into sports or anything. “

they continue to question him but baekhyun stops paying attention when the cafeteria door opens and the most beautiful people baekhyun has ever seen walk through them.

baekhyun stares intently, and feels himself focusing in on one of the shorter ones. theres something about him that makes baekhyuns throat feel like a desert. “who are they?” he asks.

sehun glares “the cullens.”

it seems thats all he has to say because chanyeol takes over. “theyre the cullens, if forks high was us weekly theyd always be on the cover. the tall one with mean eyebrows, thats kris hes the oldest of them. the broody looking one next to him is jongin, theyre together.”

“together? arent they all related?”

“well by name, but not by blood. they were all adopted by junmyeon, hes a doctor here. they all live together, and are well, Together.”

baekhyun nods, eyebrows bunched together. ok.

“the fairy looking on is luhan, hes actually really nice and the only cullen the interacts with any of us. they mostly keep to themselves so dont take it personally.” chanyeol sounds butt hurt and baekhyun hopes the quirk of his lips goes unnoticed. “the smaller looking one next to him is minseok he always looks like hes in pain we dont know why but a lot of us assume its luhan. finally we have kyungsoo. hes the only single cullen, hes in our grade too, along with luhan and jongin.”

kyungsoo, baekhyun mouths, its a nice name. he looks up and sees that kyungsoo is looking at him. intensely so eyebrows scrunched and eyes set in glare. his face heats up, maybe he heard them talking about them or worse noticed him staring.

chanyeol continues to tell him about the school but baekhyun has long since stopped listening and focuses instead on trying not to look at kyungsoo.

the bell rings and baekyun waves bye, making his way over to the biology classroom.

it seems he didnt have the schedule perfectly memorized like he thought so he walks into the classroom a bit late.

“mr. byun please take a seat anywhere thats empty”

baekhyun looks around, face pink, everyone staring at him. he walks to an empty table, theres another person sitting there and baekhyun feels himself flush even more. its kyungsoo.

he sits. should he say hi? he looks over at kyungsoo who has A Look on his face. a very displeased look, and his fist is near his nose. does he smell? he chooses not to say hi, chanyeol did say they keep to themselves and tries to pay attention to the teacher but cant not when kyungsoo is next to him.

seconds before the bell even rings kyungsoo stands up and bolts out of the classroom, as soon as hes out the door the bell rings. he cant help but feel like he had something to do with and the rest of his day passes by dully.


school, home, everything passes by in a quick blur and the only think baekhyun can focus on is how kyungsoo missed school for a week and came back looking put off by his entire existence.

“so did you stab kyungsoo cullen with a pencil or what? ive never seen him act like that”  chanyeol asks one day, mouth full of pizza.

“i dont know what i did for him to hate me so much other than looking at him.”

“i told you theyre just weird dont take it personally.”


it snowed a lot and baekhyun wraps himself up in his sweater as he walks to his car hes in the process of taking his keys out when he hears it the screech of tires, the screams and he turns around just in time to see a van coming his way.

everything happens so fast and he closes his eyes, readying himself for the impact..the impact that never comes.

theres a hand on his shoulder. a cold hand and baekhyun opens his eyes to a face full of kyungsoo. his hand is on the van and he removes it quickly. theres a dent on the van, his dent, from his hand.

did kyungsoo do that?

before baekhyun even has a chance to say thank you kyungsoo stands up and hops over his truck. people are shouting his name and making sure hes ok, he hears police sirens and oh god he hopes his dad isnt one them.


sadly his dad was one of them and his dad insisted he go to the hospital, which meant he had to be put on a gurney in front of Everyone and he swears he saw kyungsoo and his whole good looking family smirking at him.

at the hospital he meets junmyeon, who is just as good looking as the rest of the cullens. hes charming and has a nice smile the makes kyungsoo wonder if him and luhan are the only ones that ever smile. theres definitely a resemblance to them all, other than their looks. their skin is pale and eyes all a golden brown.


things dont go back to normal after that baekhyun knows theres something different about the cullens. someone that short doesnt just stop a van like that.

they talk, finally when they have to work on a lab in class. its awkward but baekhyun doesnt think he can hold in the question any longer. its not or never.

“are you going to tell me how you stopped that van?” he asks.

kyungsoo looks prepared, like hes been expecting the question. “yeah. um... i had an adrenaline rush. its very common. you can google it.”

“i dont believe you.”

kyungsoos lips quirk upwards and baekhyun thinks this is the most emotion hes ever seen on his face. “any theories?”

“does it matter. youre not going to tell me the truth.”

“nom probably not.”

baekhyun turns away angrily, ignoring him. kyungsoo laughs softly “i’d like to hear your theories though.”

“i have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite.”

“all superhero stuff right? but what if im not the hero? what if i am the bad guy?”

“youre not.”


they go back in forth this odd friendship and baekhyun feels himself falling more and more for kyungsoo. they only talk in biology class. sometimes passing notes. but baekhyun wants to know more. like why kyungsoo is so cold, why his eyes change colors, and how he stopped that van.


the sun is out and baekhyun feels like this only happens once in a blue moon here. chanyeol is wearing a tank top and everyone seems to have foregone sweaters, which in his opinion is ridiculous because its still chilly. he looks around for kyungsoo, for all the cullens really and chanyeol takes notice. “they dont come when the sun is out.”

and thats when it hits baekhyun (like a van).


the bell rings for lunch and baekhyun walks out of the classroom before chanyeol can latch onto him again. he walks around and finds kyungsoo.

“can i talk to you?” his tone is serious and it seems like kyungsoo knows what this is about because he nods and walks them around the school towards the woods.

theyre at a small clearing in between the trees. and baekhyun turns to look at kyungsoo. “i think...i figured it out.”

“figured out what.”

“what you are.”

kyungsoo gives him a serious look and baekhyun begins.

“youre impossibly fast. and strong. your skin is... pale white, and ice cold. your eyes change color... and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time. you never eat or drink anything; you don't go into the sunlight.”

“how old are you?”


“how long have you been seventeen?”

“...a while.”

“i know what you are.”

“say it... out loud. say it.”


ok i had to end it there bc then i was just going to keep on going. sorry this is really lame and full of mistakes and there are probably typos every where and i didnt write kyungsoo sucking on baekhyuns neck!! or the baseball scene but i hope you like it. happy birthday once again bb

pg, baeksoo

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