10 Days Meme -- Day 10

Dec 15, 2010 06:23

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

Ok, I'm taking the broadest possible definition of 'people' here.

Dear Cincinnati Bell spokesguy -- No, when it comes to Christmas you do not have to 'go big or go home'. It's friggin' Christmas. We're in the middle of a recession but even if we weren't, people put too much emphasis on trying to spend enough to create perfect happiness, which never frickin' works. Gahhhh! Though the commercial where the guy is trying to roast chestnuts on the grill and his wife comes out and lights everything up with a flamethrower is funny, but only because you know by the way the man tells his kids to go make snowmen, he is about to give his wife some Xmas lovin' for being awesome with a flamethrower.

Dear whichever car company it is that has those obnoxious ads where that annoying kid is trying to guilt parents into buying your car because it's 'cooler' than the dweeb cars parents usually drive? See the note above about this being a recession, wherein people may not be able to buy the 'cool' car because they're more invested in keeping the car they have in working order. Also, please tell us what world you come from because where I'm from, here on Earth? No parent in their right mind buys a car because their EIGHT YEAR OLD might be embarassed to be seen in it. SHEESH. Plus, your ads to not come with awesome flamethrower toting wives who get off-screen lovin' from impressed spouses.

To Jill Conner Browne, the Sweet Potato Queen: you are awesome. Your books crack me up. You've got a great and empowering attitude and you make me want to buy a tiara.

To Howard Hesseman: I've been a fan of yours since I was a kid, in no small part because my mom (grandmother, technically) told me that your character, Dr. Johhnny Fever on WKRP in Cincinnati, reminded her of my dad (her son). I don't actually think you ARE my dad, that's crazy-stalker times, but when I picture my dad, you're there. And so is Jackie Earle Haley in his Guerrero makeup -- it's 'cause he looks like a hippy, not because I think my dad was a scary-dangerous hired killer type. He was a history teacher for crying out loud!

To little kid yelling in the hall: You're adorable. Seriously, you crack us up. Also, it's just so dang sweet when you greet your Papi when he comes home. (It's this whole-hearted joyful, "PAPI!" as if the sun has just risen in the East and all is now right with the world again.)

To the Canadian geese marching across the road the other day -- the whole single-file formation is really impressive but, y'know, you could all come across in a group and it'd be a lot faster and...yeah, you don't care, do you? You're more interested in slowing us all up...

To Linkara: You're awesome. You're funny, you're smart, you're a male feminist who isn't a twat about it. You've actually made me interested in Power Rangers, not enough to actually start watching the show but your reviews of each season have been enough to show me that, silly as they might have been, the Power Rangers did/do have some hidden depths to them.

To Glamour and Cosmo for taglines in two different articles about death and grief, BOTH of which claimed that the type they were covering was THE ULTIMATE form of grieving. STOP IT! All grief is pretty damned awful so let's not turn this into a "My Pain is More Important" contest, thanks. Oh, and while we're at it, would it kill you guys to actually remember that there are women out there who aren't 20-30 somethings who work professional jobs and who want to spend $300 bucks on a purse? Please?

To the people at work who keep tearing the interesting articles out of the magazines: QUIT IT!!!! You always get the ones I want to read! Gahhh! Having said that, I realize this will not stop and it's probably only fair of you to tear out articles in magazines that you probably brought in yourself and/or that have been sitting around work since Eve handed Adam the apple.

To Amy: You? Are awesome. Aww yeah!

*fnord, meme

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