We're going to war!

Apr 04, 2007 14:41

I'm officially pissed off. The strangest thing is that I'm not really sure why. Just pissed off, that's it. Ran away from uni today cos I couldn't stay there any more. You know, ppl, you suck! I'm ready to paint that on a sheet and make that my flag and my family motto. I'll even find a family for that! I'll get myself a kid and teach him to hate the entire world. Big plans, huh?
Hang on, I have a niece for that. She's this cute little girl, Mummy's little sunshine. I'll go and teach her my doctrine, and then I'll think about a son.
Okay, all this rant has nothing to do with me today, I'm just a little annoyed. It's Wednesday, and I'm absolutely in no mood to have fun with V. but I have to go there and pretend I'm fine. I'm great at that, so... Just... he's a nice guy, don't wanna snap at him if anything goes wrong. And I swear, if his dad walks in on us again, I'll forget everything and... well, there's a bed in the room, it has to be used for smth if you get what I mean ;))) So this is how angry I am.
Julie called me and told me Herb's gone nuts and forbade her... well, smth, I don't remember what. The girl's 19 years or so! He's not in the position to forbid her anything. Parents... *snort* He said: Either him or me. Of course she should choose him whoever he is. Come on, Herbie, be thankful it's not a she!
Saw 300 yesterday. This is Sparta!!! - and everyone's crazy there. It's a weird movie, lovely theme for slash. Leonidas was fine, others... dunno.

hate, i am one

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