Pretty looks, baby, I could die (c)

Apr 02, 2007 18:09

You can't keep me waiting forever, baby!
(Your skin, perfect skin)
It's getting hard,
Who's going to rescue me?
Nothing here,
You got a perfect skin,
With a devil's grin.
The 69 Eyes. 'Perfect Skin'

Got positively stuck on that song! Today at uni me and this gothic guy kept singing it and laughing all the way while the teacher tried to understand who the hell is 'making noise'. She's kinda old, like 90 or smth, this turtle-like half-blind old woman in horribly huge glasses and yellow hair. So she kept reading to us economy and asking in a raspy voice: "Could whoever is talking please stop talking?" One girl from the front row seat turned back to us and asked if we were singing about the teacher. Imagine that burst of laughter that followed. 
Then there was the break and we sang at the top of our lungs. I figured out we both were at the concert so we discussed it and went on going crazy. A couple of girls started dancing when we got to the auditorium, it was like shooting a video with no camera. Now that was hilarious when our teacher came in. ;)))
Okay, I'm at V's place now as it's Monday, the lesson is almost over. It's him doing h/w again and me lying on the sofa watching TV. 'The O.C.' this time. Gosh, it's such a stupid show! I'm so happy I don't live in O.C. 
V's parents think I'm such a good influence on their kid (that's after I told them that I think to have a job is 'gooooooood'). Meanwhile, his dad almost walked in on us at the end of the first hour. After that I suggested to hang a 'do-not-disturb' paper on the doorknob. V. turned purple and said smth like: "Another 'accident' like this - and I'm getting so fucked up, man!" 
Gee, that show's getting more and more stupid! ;)

i am one

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