We're going to war!

Apr 04, 2007 14:41

I'm officially pissed off. The strangest thing is that I'm not really sure why. Just pissed off, that's it. Ran away from uni today cos I couldn't stay there any more. You know, ppl, you suck! I'm ready to paint that on a sheet and make that my flag and my family motto. I'll even find a family for that! I'll get myself a kid and teach him to hate ( Read more... )

hate, i am one

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Comments 2

shaitanah April 4 2007, 12:32:52 UTC
And I’m sad and pissed off and whatever you call it.
Please, tell me you’re not gonna become a fan of Sparta. I think I’ve already had enough of Sparta. Go check Nox’s Spartans, they’re amazing! (pay me for PR, ppl!)
Just how many times have you already repeated that Herb’s crazy?


dune_master April 5 2007, 13:39:25 UTC
No, ‘course not. TBH, I don’t see much worthy of adoration in that film. It’s too pretentious.
I’m willing to repeat it a mln times more! =D


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