Mar 08, 2010 01:27
Ok granted I haven't seen a lot of the oscar movies this year. But I am just glad Avatar didn't scoop best picture. Yes, it is stunning, but man is it not that interesting from a writing perspective.
Also if you like Alice in Wonderland, do not go see the new Tim Burton Alice. It somehow failed at decent editing and surrealism at the same time. In short...very pretty, and very bad.
Which leads me to my last thought for the night. i think too many fantasy-ish movies rely on their special effects too much. True, you must have good special effects for such movies, but you als have to remember, as a director to MAKE A MOVIE. Which sadly I feel is not being done. On top of it, I feel like almost every make-believe thing is trying to be Lord of The Rings in someway. This does not make for a good movie making environment.
Anyways, i am sleepy, and so i shall sleep.