Iceland redux

Mar 04, 2010 07:33

So....remember last year how i was supposed to go away then got too busy with stuff and couldn't spare three weeks to trample around Europe?

I decided to give at least Iceland another go. Because hey, I like weird landscapes, and seriosuly when do I get the chance to go to the sub-arctic? Exactly.

So...10 days, May 12th - 23rd. I plan on spending 3 days/ 2 nights, in 3 different parts of the country. Probably won't rent a car for long hauls, but instead use iceland's domestic flight service.

And the best thing....ticket for LESS than what it costs to fly out west. $460.00 round trip after taxes.

Man, I'm going to take some good photos, and find some puffins, and spend time in big empty landscapes, and hey the iceland arts festival is on while i am there. Bonus.

I will admit tho, I'm kind of nervous, as I'm going alone, and I'm a constant worry-wart when I start planning this stuff. But, that's ok, I guess its part of the deal that is traveling. And i'm always 'Wooo!" when i actually get there. Also this time around, I have so much more smarts on how to go about it.

And of course, if any of you guys feel the sudden urge to up and go, or know someone else who is going to be there, you are more than welcome to meet up with me on the road.

ps. I have a thread going on Trip Advisor.


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