
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2020 - Master, Be My Slave

Jun 28, 2020 11:08

Title: Master, Be My Slave
Author: wincest_whore
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Art G/story NC-17
Story summary:
In a world that's been taken over by vampires, Jared feels like he is the only human left. Once he's captured by the vampires, he gets picked by Jensen. At first, they hate each other, but eventually they begin to form a close bond that turns to much more than just friendship.
Warnings: Blood play, branding, violence, vampire!Jensen, human!Jared
Story link: on LJ, on AO

I had the opportunity to take part in this year's bigbang challenge after all - as a BB pinch hit artist, for a wonderful vampire fic!

Notes on the art: I continue my quest into the world of hues, values and planes of the face. The line drawing is in pencil, the rest is done in photoshop (with a somewhat bust tablet and stylus). Biggest challenge, apart from trying to get even a fleeting likeness to Jensen, was making the vampire bat look cute ;)


alternative diptych format:

bat sketching, looking for that elusive 'cuteness' (the bat theme is purely artistic licence):

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