
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2018 - Compulsion

Jun 25, 2018 20:41

Challenge: spn_j2_bigbang
Title: Compulsion
Authors: candygramme and spoonlessone
Art: dun
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Art PG/story NC-17
Warnings: Show level violence.
Story summary: Special Agent Jensen Ackles is up to his neck in trouble, and he isn't sure if the rookie agent the Powers That Be have saddled him with is going to help him or just make things worse.  It's not that the kid isn't eager to please, it's just that he's totally clueless about what he's up against.  It doesn't help that Ackles isn't quite sure either!  Fortunately, or maybe not, he has a couple of other allies, including a brainwashed pathologist, a weed smoking techie, and a truly innovative medic from Walter Reed.  That ought to be enough to save the world as long as the ghosts keep away.
Story link: https://candygramme.dreamwidth.org/461449.html

Participating in the spn_j2_bigbang has been one of my very favourite things to do, and this year was no exception; ‘Compulsion’ by candygramme and spoonlessone is a great story, with horror, humour and hot sex, and it has been so much fun to work with :)

In my art for ‘Compulsion’ I wanted to take the plunge and do things differently from before, that is, have less focus on lines and more on planes and values. To make it a bit easier for myself, I left out colour ;) The result is somewhat ‘noir’, or grey, and perhaps also creepy, but I hope that there’s nevertheless a nod to the humorous side of the story.

cover art:

Alona at work:

Vengeful spirit:

Dazed Jensen:




J + J

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