
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2021 - Bish, Bash, Bosh

Jun 13, 2021 20:20

Challenge: spn_j2_bigbang
Title: Bish, Bash, Bosh
Author: blackrabbit42
Art: dun
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Art G (story NC-17)

Story summary:
Jensen is the Owner and Executive Chef at Laurel, an upscale restaurant in a quaint New England Town. Jared is a business school drop-out who inherits a food truck, names it Bish, Bash, Bosh, and starts selling the only thing he knows how to cook: tacos. It helps that he’s secured a permit for one of the choicest locations available at the end of the town green, across the street from that fancy-pants place, Laurel.
Story link: https://blackrabbit42.livejournal.com/77112.html

In the challenge, I got to do the art for a most delightful story, Bish, Bash, Bosh by blackrabbit42! I really wish I would have had more time to do everything, because there were so many more images in my head. But, you’ll just have to read the story and see for yourself :).

Techy notes on the art:
This submission definitely signals the parting of ways between me and my drawing tablet (‘who needs pen-pressure anyway?’ - well, I do, clearly).
So, the cover art is digital. The rest of the art is pencil drawings, in somewhat varying styles, which I enjoyed doing, but should have probably gone for a more cohesive look. I also took some liberties with the food truck, because the Citroen H van is just so cool-looking :).

Jensen, executive chef and owner of ‘Laurel’.

Jared in his newly wrapped taco truck.

Travel documents for donkeys

Jared’s taco truck before (left) and after wrapping (right).

Sketch dump: maitre d’ Mark S; food critic par excellence, JDM; some additional miniature donkeys
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