the mountains bleed red as the sun gets higher

Aug 25, 2006 12:04

V.v.v. happy that I posted before I went away on vacation because I now have about a trillion pictures to photoshop and post.

My vacation was brilliant and yadda yadda yadda. I don’t feel the need to describe just how brilliant it was as you shall all see in the next entry.

Day 206 to 234

Day 206 July 1st

Kaileen and Travis came home for a couple days. I watched Bridget Jones’s Diary on the television with Travis while he waiting for Kaileen to get dressed (which was almost the entire movie). I had a craving afterwards and decided to read the book for the umpteenth time.

Day 207 July 2nd

Went shopping with Kaitlin and her family.

Day 208 July 3rd

Went to Point Pelee with the entire family! More pictures here.

Day 209 July 4th

Itty Bitty Kitty!

Day 210 July 5th

Made Kaitlin a new layout.

Day 211 July 6th

Callie wanted that treat like I want the French Man. If she had thumbs I’m sure she would have glomped it before she ate it.

Day 212 July 7th

I went to the mall with Kaitlin, Jillian and Jillian’s friend. We found this book on Eminem in Chapters (there was also a Madonna book, but this we found picture worthy) called A Boy Called Marshall. Davey Michael (Kaitlin made this up on this day so I had to use it) it was genius.

Jillian with the bottle of Jones Soda we couldn’t open. All four of us tried and couldn't do it, so we asked some random man if he could open it for us. Mean Mr. Muscle Man, we felt so weak in comparison.

The cap told me to take a picture upside down, so I did.

We sat and talked and drooled over men. At one point JJ was trying to show us some fabulous man and we’re like, “What in Davey Michael’s name are you doing?” and she’s like, “I was pointing at him without being pointy!” Shits and giggles.

Day 213 July 8th

Kaitlin came with us swimming at the Deck’s. She was running around after Uncle Joe and somehow tripped a bit and ripped most of the nail of her big toe off. It was rather nasty. We sat around after that.

Day 214 July 9th

Jumping around on my bed to pass the time.

Day 215 July 10th

I am addicted to swimming, addicted!

Day 216 July 11th

Jesse: "I found a little mousie in my room!" I had a small peanut attack. "Why in Davey's name does Jesse have a tampon in his room?" (thinking about the Young Ones)

Day 217 July 12th

I did my second adayinmylife entry, found here. We went to the Mini and the Art Gallery and had a brilliant time. I did the entire entry in black and white, and I do believe I took some of my most well composed pictures that day.

Day 218 July 13th

“I am a bird with boobs!”

Kaitlin and I went to the swings near her house.

Day 219 July 14th

Went to get our pictures printed.

Day 220 July 15th

My cousin Chris is getting married to Josie whose shower we went to. We played a bunch of games, a number of which I won, including this game where you close your eyes and attempt drawing what they tell you the bride will look like on her wedding day. Mine was chosen because Josie said my drawing represented how detached she’s going to be on her wedding day. Love her.

My prizes (I wanted Slippery When Wet, but Aunt Lorraine yoinked that one).

Day 221 July 16th

I went to visit Kaitlin after she got her wisdom teeth removed. We sat around and talked lots, which was nice, as I hadn’t seen her in some odd number of days.

Day 222 July 17th

Went swimming at the Decks. This is Jake, one of their dogs.

Day 223 July 18th

Muzzer and I played badminton in the backyard where there are too many gardens and fences and animals and trees to play much of anything. We usually play at night on the driveway, but we wanted to play before lunch and the pavement was too hot.

Day 224 July 19th

Hawkeye is v.v. cute and odd (who’s ever heard of a cat using newspaper ads as a blanket?).

Day 225 July 20th

Woo! Shopping at la Baie and Old Navy (Davey help me). More pictures here.

Day 226 July 21st

Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean with Kaitlin and Jillian; it was jolly good. JJ and Kaitlin sure thought so (and they hadn’t even seen it yet).

Day 227 July 22nd

The twenty-second was an amazing day. First we went to the Chalk and Chocolate festival, then we walked around and went shopping downtown (where I got V For Vendetta the comic!) and from there we went swimming. More pictures here.

Day 228 July 23rd

Oh gorgeous gorgeous day. We saw the Sam Roberts Band and the Stills at Windsor Raceway. It was Davey’s pants, to say the least. Lots and lots of pictures here.

Day 229 July 24th

On an English test, I found this interesting sentence ("Perttu proposed to Julia..."). Wanted to kiss Muzzer I was so giddy.

Day 230 July 25th

It was Aunt Barb’s birthday so we went to the Deck’s place to swim and celebrate and such.

Dogs are yummy to eat.

Day 231 July 26th

I went over to Kaitlin’s house and it was pissing rain.

Day 232 July 27th

Muzzer sewing a pair of shorts and getting pissed off because the pattern is from the 70s and totally fucked up (they didn’t work out by the way; the waist was gigantic).

Day 233 July 28th

Spent most of my day resizing pictures and trying to figure out what day they were from. It was rather tiring.

Day 234 July 29th

Said goodbye to Eicca and wrote instruction on his care. Apparently he was a bad boy to his GrandMuzzer while I was away and wouldn't eat.

july 2006

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