and you don't talk so loud, and you don't walk so proud any more

Jul 22, 2006 22:27

I love how I can go for months and months without buying myself something, or having anyone else buy me something, but in the matter of three days I get 16 things.


Muzz woke me up in the morning and we went to a bunch of garage sales within walking distance from our house. I got this scarf for 25 cents. I am in love.

Around one, we picked up Kaitlin and went downtown for the Chalk And Chocolate Festival. I didn’t see much chocolate there, but whatever. By the time we got there, the artists were still working on their murals, hence the unfinishedness of most of them.

This was amazing!

We gaped in jealousy when we saw this.

Our feet! (because I love feet pictures)

A waterfall. It looks rather odd at this angle, but it was amazing in real life.

The awesome mohawk man! Kaitlin was swooning over him and he so knew it. I was in awe that he could draw such straight lines.

Feeling artsy.



Walking back to the car, I noticed how fabulous the Capitol looks and decided to take pictures.

Went back around the corner and found R2! Had a mini heart attack. What in Davey’s name is he doing there anyways?

After we left, we went back to the car and found we still had thirty minutes on the meter so we decided to go shopping a bit down town.

First we went into this souvenir shop which smelt v. v. good, as someone was burning incense. I got this black scarf for $3 (I don't own a single black scarf this long, all my other ones are short). Modeling is at home, obviously (please ignore ugly unmatching sleeping pants).

And a fan for $2.44, because Muzzer wanted hers back. It even comes in a darling little green box. I adore my fan.

And the other side.

And then we ventured down Ouellette more and found a used book shop. Apparently, they're moving soon, so everything was 20% off. Kaitlin found V For Vendetta, and after careful consideration (Kaitlin didn't have any money to buy it for my birthday present, and Muzzer didn't want to buy me anything more) I decided to buy it for myself, reasoning that I'd never seen it on ebay, and even if I did, I could never get it this cheap. It ended up costing $12.84, and it was originally $30.95, so I think I spent my money wisely.

(I was just glancing through the book, and Evey is rather alarming looking. When her head's shaven she resembles a man.)

I threatened Muzzer death if she signed the receipt on top of my book (I'm paying her back later), so the man working there slyly took the book out from beneath her.

Kaitlin was like, "Girlie, you're obsessed."
The man laughed, "You're saying that like it's a bad thing."

Walking back to the car when I noticed this gorgeous door. Downtown is officially brilliant.

It was hot so we decided to go swimming at the Deck’s. They put this fountain thing in when we got out, to help stir the baking soda or whatever they put in the water.

On the way home. This is our bobble head, the beheaded cat. We took the head off months and months ago to glue the eyes back on, but never got around to doing it.

I invited (okay, more like demanded) Aunt Barb to come over earlier so we could watch V For Vendetta with the parents. After I got off the phone I’m like “oh crap!” as I remembered that Aunt Barb is a homophobe and gung-ho Catholic. Well, her Catholic virtues seem to be intact, because she accepted that it was apart of the movie, and decided that she liked it v. much. Was like “Yay!” I then showed all of them C For Cookie, which they adored and explained to them Movies In Fifteen Minutes (m15m). I think I’m going to let Muzzer read some of them.

Muzzer and I agree that it is most uncanny the way you can tell what emotions V is feeling, despite the mask. I say it is proof of my Husband's genius. Most actors can't even display emotion, Hugo Weaving can expression emotions with his face covered by a mask.

Actually didn’t cry for once while watching the ending of V For Vendetta, although it was a close struggle. Miracle!

Anyways, I’m off to read V the comic! So excited.

my family, art, husband!, photography, kaitlin, shopping, windsor, books, picspam, movies

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