dead to the world, alive for the journey

Jul 28, 2006 18:32

I’m going away on vacation for twenty or so odd days, so I figured I should update some before I go away. It would be rather scary having to post three months in a row. I shall thank myself in the future that I didn't wait any longer to post these.

Day 191 Day 205

Day 191 June 16th

Took a break from my movie fest to take a picture of the light streaming through the front foyer.

Day 192 June 17th

Kaitlin came over in the afternoon. These are pictures I took on the way to my house (we met halfway).

A million billion ants!

Day 193 June 18th

Father’s day.

Day 194 June 19th

I have no recollection of this day, so let’s pretend it rained.

Day 195 June 20th

Took Callie for a walk and found this gorgeous gorgeous sky.

Day 196 June 21st

Itty Bitty sparrow outside, he was wobbling around (apologies for the poor quality, I was inside the house trying to zoom in on this guy).

Day 197 June 22nd

I did an entry in adayinmylife, and it was pretty damn spiffy. My entry is here.

Day 198 June 23rd

Hawkeye is damn cute.

Day 199 June 24th
I remember taking a picture for today but apparently it decided to disappear.

Day 200 June 25th
Seem to have lost this one too. Crap.

Day 201 June 26th

Hawkeye on Muzzer’s shoulder.

Day 202 June 27th

Took the day off school and went over to Kaitlin’s house. We decided to go to school with Jillian after lunch. Kaitlin and I hung out in Mrs. B’s room. This is Kaitlin dancing to some kindergarten song. It was quite hilarious.

We made a rebel out of Jillian, and made her leave early with us, as we were bored. Incest on the street corner! Hide your eyeballs!

Tree hugging…

Dirt worshippers (suppose it’s more like grass worshipers, but there’s dirt underneath the grass).

I had blisters galore and the bottoms of my feet were burnt (I walked barefoot for about two hours on hot pavement because my sandals hurt too much) so I wore a pair of Jillian’s shoes. I looked quite odd in them.


Awesome crazy trees above where the above pictures were taken.

Day 203 June 28th

It was firework night, so I went over to Kaitlin’s house. Kaitlin was v. depressed as she had a gigantic fight with Evan. We sat on her bed and were depressed together. “Women need men like fish need bicycles,” has become our new motto.

And then I started taking upside down pictures and we got pretty giddy. People look really odd upside down if you stare at them long enough. Soon it appears as if heads are truly made that way, and it’s so scary that you have to look away.

Woo! We (finally) went to the fireworks. Taking pictures of my legs as I waited.

And then one of Kaitlin. We think her boobs look like mountains.

I had a cellogasm listened to Apocalyptica, which has become my firework ritual. My song for the past two years has been Farewell, it is just so poignant; my chest tightens with emotion and I almost start crying everytime I hear it. Farewell has become my Fifth Symphony, my 1812 Overture, it, like to V, has become a symbol for what I believe and who I am.

There is just something so liberating about fireworks.

Day 204 June 29th

Outside doing schoolwork.

Callie joined me on the swing.

Bulgy eyeballs!

She looks so sad.

I adore this photo.

Day 205 June 30th

Disco Davey!

the end. More later tonight, I think.

june 2006

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