I want my baby please!

Aug 07, 2007 23:46

Well I went to the doctors again today, and still no change. (sigh) I had reported a decrease in fetal movement, because Emma has been very quiet lately, probably due to the fact that there is no more room in there for her to wiggle around. So anyways, I was worried so they sent me next door for a NST (non-stress test), where they hook up a fetal monitor and monitor her movements and heart rate. What they are looking for is for her heart to accelerate and hold steady for 15 seconds when she moves and then to decrease back to normal. Well her heart rate did increase, but wouldn't hold steady for 15 seconds. I was on that fucking monitor for almost 4 hours! Not only that but I had to lay flat on my back the whole time, becuase when I wanted to lay on my side to get comfy, they lost her heartbeat. Anywhoo, no big deal really, I just had to be ungodly uncomfortable for hours on end - (double sigh).

So I have to go back on Thursday for a biophysical profile on the baby to make sure she getting enough oxygen, her cord looks good, placenta not breaking down, etc. They can tell all that from a sonogram. Oh and they are gonna check the fluid in her amniotic sac too - to make sure she has enough. Then it's back next door for another NST (groan!).

So then if everything looks ok from all of that, I go BACK in Monday for them to put some cervical thinning goop up my yahoo, and then i get to be induced on Tuesday (almost 2 weeks after my due date). I am majorly down about it.

I tried my best, but I couldn't stop the tears as i left the doc's office. Andrew's mom was majorly pissed. I mean, the doc's already knew i have been carrying a large baby, and that i have been in a lot of pain, and now i have to wait a whole other week just to deliver. And now i might not have a choice, as baby's tend to grow about 1/2 pound a week in the last trimester (means almost a definite c-section). I mean I knew it was a possibility, but to have no choice in the matter? Makes me very sad. So yeah, Andrew's mom gave the doc's hell, and I just sat there and cried. Andrew had to wait downstairs because they only left one person in at a time to visit in triage, so when he found out he was severly pissed too.

Here's the basic lowdown - or at least my theory. I think she has gotten so big that she couldn't fit in my pelvis anymore - so she backed out. Therefore no pressure on my cervix to move things along. Which means I will HAVE to have a c-section becuase she won't fit, and if i don't have one soon, she will go into distress because shit starts to breakdown in there after 40 weeks- and i am at 41.

So yeah i am hanging in there - it's not like I have any other choice in the matter. Hopefully soon - my baby will be in my arms where she belongs.
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