Jul 29, 2007 18:25
I am sitting here on my couch bored almost to death. I have cleaned, I have cooked, I have done every frickin' domestic thing i can think of, and I hate this. This whole waiting game. i want my daughter now! I can't take anymore of this Suzy homemaker crap. At least after Emma is born, I will have someone to devote my time and attention to. My precious little baby girl. Andrew has literally been working 7 days straight, and i never get to see him much. He is maybe awake for like an hour before work, and and hour afterwards (he works from 1:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.). And of course allowing for commute time and crap, he leaves at like noon, and doesn't get home until almost 11p.m.
This sucks having no one to talk to. I just can't sit on my ass and watch TV all day! I want to be out and about. I tried taking walks and stuff, but it's too damn hot! I've tried reading, and farting around on the internet, but I can't seem to keep my focus on anything for significant amounts of time.
I want to yell, scream, and throw a hissy fit. Yep, that sounds good right about now. I am sick and tired of people talking at me instead of to me. You have no frickin' idea what this is like. If i am not fielding asinine questions that I have no clue how to answer about my impending labor, I am getting the same ass old sympathetic responses by people who are trying to relate to my current moods and situations, but in reality have no idea what in the hell they are talking about, and couldn't give a real rat's ass if they did! Stop inquiring about my vagina! And people wonder why I still smoke?
I am supposed to be "glowing" dammit! It's all done under the best of intentions I am well aware. But pardon me if I rip off your hand the next time a stranger touches my belly! And i will smoke a cigarette doing it!
Them: "So when you gonna have that baby?"
Me: "I dunno. Tuesday at 2. Whadda you think?!"
Them: "Wow you are so big! Are you pregnant?"
Me: "Wow thanks for drawing attention to my in-operable tumor, now I am gonna go home and kill myself. Have a nice day!"
Them: "You shouldn't smoke, think of what you are doing to your baby."
Me: "No really, it's ok, because I just kicked my heroine habit 2 weeks ago!"
Wanna fuck with me people? I will fuck with you back! The trick is saying all that with a straight face. Mind your own business. I am tired, cranky, swollen, and about to pop. The worst PMS doesn't have shit on this.
God it feels so good to let go and vent. The absolute best part is when you are standing at the grocery store and some random person reaches out and touches your belly, and you are torn as to whether or not you should start screaming bloody murder in the produce aisle, or simply litter the cabbage with their entrails. Hmmmmm . . . perhaps both. Simultaneously? It could be doable.
I am not crazy. I am not homicidal. I am just a tired pregnant woman, who wants to be left alone. I love my family, I love my baby, and I love my friends. Everyone else can kiss off.