Blargh... 24 hours.

Feb 17, 2009 19:55

So, I knew Monday and Tuesday wouldn't be fun... what with blood tests and dentist visits... but jeez.

I get my blood test done, I find out I have something she called a Venus hum, which just sounds awesome... but yeah, getting blood taken is super uncomfortable and the anxiety beforehand (which was relatively unfounded) was nearly unbearable. Turns out that the tests they decided to run were all normal... I was almost hoping something was wrong just so I could do something and start feeling better. But now the attention is on potential viral things I may have, and my heart... which was doing weird things all throughout the visit.

Today, I go to the dentist, hoping he'll just give me a toothpaste or something to desensitize the area (my very back upper molar which cracked due to a faulty job from my old dentist). Um, well he sounded really concerned... I was most definately just like "Yeah, it's pretty sensitive around cold stuff, but I've just learned to drink and eat differently, I hardly notice any more." They took X-rays, decided I need surgery and yeah... so far my summer looks like it's going to suck balls. I get my pre-op appointment two days after I get back after finals.

I need to have a tooth lengthing surgery bcause right now my tooth is too short for even the smallest crown. *bangs head against desk* That'll take 6 weeks to heal, then I go back in to get a temp. crown, then AGAIN for a permenant one.

Oh, and he desensitized my tooth. It felt a little like a knife, like an actual blade was inside my tooth. Then he did another side, it didn't hurt nearly as much, and then he went on the... chewing part... of my tooth and I actually just jerked back it hurt so much. Then he gave me some cream to keep up the desensitivity... I hate spelling right now.

So yeah, I wouldn't have minded finding out I had anemia (which I'm pretty sure my vitamin is preventing by itself) or even hypothyroidism (even though it would suck) but the problem is like my kryptonite... Goddamn oral area. I hate people poking and jabbing and sawing in my mouth. God only knows what'll happen when I go to an OBGYN.

Anyways, rant over.
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