Crazy Ass Weekend

Feb 10, 2009 08:40

So... Thursday night I nearly crashed my car. My uncle was in town and invited me and a friend to get dinner on him (now that I think about it, we should've picked an expensive place just to get as much out of him as possible). So we picked this nice restaurant called the Indian Oven. The food was so good and it was really nice to see my uncle again.

Anyways, on the way back, we're driving back on to the UBC campus and it's dark, insanely dark. I mean, even Lesley couldn't see and she said "I would recommend you put on your highbeams if it wasn't for the oncoming traffic." So while we're squinting through the darkness, only able to see about 10 feet in front of us, this weird lane divider appears out of nowhere and appeared to do nothing and I remember just thinking how odd that was, when suddenly the road in front of me most definitely wasn't a road anymore. I was too close to react in time though, and we drove straight onto a grassy medium, before I could even say or acknowledge outwardly that anything was amiss, I quickly turned back towards the road, never slowing or speeding up, not even over-steering in a panic. Lesley and I were in a state of shock for a moment before we began the whole shrieking "Did that actually just happen!?" Anyways, I was rather impressed with my reaction when I realized something was wrong. Plus, my baby was fine, just a little dirt on the front of it... that's all.

Friday night was quite uneventful, I mean, I watched Lord of the Rings 3 with Lesley but that was about it... Saturday night on the other hand... wow.

So, we decided to go to this stoplight dance thing. It was like, you wear green if you're single, yellow for it's complicated, and red for taken. When we got there it was pretty much a sea of green, but whatever.

So before hand, Lesley's friend and her friend came over to get ready and have a few drinks (we were told no one went sober to this dance, and it wouldn't be as fun if we weren't drunk or tipsy too)... and I mean, I just want enough to get a little buzz. But then, two drinks later I realize it's only 7 and the dance doesn't start until 9. But luckily, some girl was turning 19 and she'd pretty much turned our floor lounge into a party room. There was lots of alcohol, and she basically invited anyone who wandered in the general area in.

There were quite a few people, and I had quite a few drinks. It's surprisingly easy to lose track of how much you've drunken when you're just doing a shot of this and a shot of that... even though you know in image and PFR they had that sign with the shot glass, the wine glass, and the beer bottle which are all suppose to represent how much one drink is.
I honestly can't remember how much or what I drank, but before I knew it, we were at the dance.

At first our party group was the only one there, Lesley and I ended up grinding on the same guy at the same time (that's how drunk we both were)... he obviously didn't mind lol.
As more people showed up, I began dancing with much more comfort and would just ask anyone who looked mildly attractive to dance. (Even Lesley asked some guys to dance after a pep talk from her friend Ana and I, which is really good because usually, well I think she's got a bunch of self-confidence issues... none which affect her too much, but I think it makes her a little uncomfortable in her own skin in situations like that). I would've been more uncomfortable I think if I wasn't so drunk I didn't have any clue as to what was really going on.

I most definitely made out with two complete strangers, never got their name, nor would I be able to point them out in a crowd now, I also grinded with at least 10 guys (and there was much neck kissing)... For the most part, they were all Latino, there was like two white guys, and one Asian... lol. It was so much fun. I did things I never would have done otherwise and because it was all so easy, I feel so much more confident, physically you know? Like I was never uncomfortable flirting, but yeah. Wow, it was such an empowering night.

And of course, I got back at like 11 pm, not that late, but I made the mistake of wearing high heels... and lay in my bed wide awake, tossing and turning until 5:30 am, at which point I got up and puked... fell asleep for two hours, at 7:45 I woke up with bad stomach pain, basically my bowels released everything they had, went back to sleep AGAIN and managed to sleep in until 10 am (amazing for me I might add) at which point I got up, had some breakfast and proceeded to puke all of that up as well. Looking back on it, I'm pretty sure it was a mild case of alcohol poisoning.

Anyways, I was exhausted and sick feeling all Sunday, but it was so worth it. lol.

I finished my Nietzsche essay, turned it in... now all I've got left to worry about this week is my midterm for Canadian Film Studies on Thursday. I can do it! Then I go home on Thursday for Reading week, I'm so excited to just relax and not have to deal with shitty room mates for a whole 10 days. Just got to keep repeating to myself "Just 2 more days, just two more days!"

Today is my long day, I've got class from 9:30 until 5:30 with just an hour and a half break in the middle... so I'm off.
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