
Aug 29, 2012 08:14

Still raining, & it was a noisy night but power still on! The other side of the bay had a lot of power outages, & poor Dauphin Island will not have power before Thursday at the earliest (thanks to that fool sailor)& its causeway is under water so it is cut off, but my area is doing fine- just some flooding here & there.There have been very few tornados! My 2 favorite restaraunts are flooded, the bay causeway & tunnel are closed & several highways but generally we are just having a lot of water, which will continue through Thursday. Plaquemine is really catching it- lots of flooding, people on roofs, I hear a levee broke there.
  Kitties have relaxed a good bit, though I still get covered in a kitty blanket whenever I sit or lay down.

storm, weather, cats

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