(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 16:41

I'm so bloody pissed right now. (so that's why I'm posting. Imagien if I posted when I was in a good mood. That'd just be stupid, right?)
Long story time:

Yesterday I had an extra hour after school. Now, that's fine, I was all set to just walk home by myself, no problem. However, the teacher I was having it with seemed to feel obliged to drop me home. I didn't want this, number 1 'cos I felt really bad about making her go so far out of her way. Number 2, well, what do you chat with a teacher about for 15 minutes in a car? It would have been awkward. So, I solved her feeling of obligation by telling her that my mum would come pick me up (I had tried insisting I could walk, but too much would have been rude) so that was sorted... so my idiotic self thought. The friend I usually grab a lift from with her family at the last minute had an extra hour too. However, she had been there when I'd told this teacher that my mum was picking me up. I could have told her in private then that it had been a lie, but what was the point? Surely it was just easier for me to go with the original plan of claiming that my mum was picking me up, and to start walking home myself. With a little insistence, this was fine. Sorted. No problem. It could have so easily been left at that. I told my mum when I got home (I was feeling guilty for lying by this point XD) what I had said, in case this friend's mum brought it up offhand. She knew, everything was fine.That could so easily have been the end of it. Apparently fucking not.

This morning, my nan (who had obviously been told about the incident from my mum) came out to my friend's car, and the single thing she told to them (which was fucking hilarious, of course)? She told them that I had lied, and that my mum didn't come to pick me up at all. Which was fucking moritfying. What in fuck's name is wrong with the stupid woman? Seriously. Did it not register in her ridiculous brain that when you've lied to someone (a perfectly white lie), that you don't go fucking telling them about it the next day? Fuck I've never hated her quite so much as this moment. It was bloody agonizing having to explain to them what had happened. I'm serious. I really don't think I can love my nan. Everything about her goes against everythign that is me. >:( So yes, pissed much?

Onto lighter topics: I had an afternoon of poetry this afternoon which was really good. I'm officially falling for poetry, yes please :D I <3 DH Lawrence's atm, and have ordered this little book of poems/story things by Tim Burton off ebay that looks simply amazing. But yeah, it was my old english teacher that took the poetry class and it's just amazing how much he loves English (also, Bob Dylan, he included Subterranean Homesick Blues in his presentation, which is just beyond amazing) He's one of those teachers that really makes you love their subject :D He even cried in one of the poems. That's how deeply he cares, about it, which is just cool.

Talking of English, atm I'm still slogging through 1984. I don't know... it's easy to read, it just doesn't have a great profound effect of me. It looks like Orwell just designed the whole thing so that everything by 1984 would be bad. I think it would be better if there were still some good things around, contrasting with the bad? I don't know. I also don't really like the character of Winston, but I'll admit I'm only about 50 pages in, so maybe I'm judging too fast.

& Now I want to go read poetry. Yes. Before I start revising for the Spanish oral I have tomorrow that I'm going to fail horribly. Hooray :D

boring, everyday, books, life

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