Mar 06, 2006 08:27
Well, that was interesting enough.
It seems that Mr. Holmes has decided to pay me a visit, though in one of the most unconventional of ways; through one of the few hidden doors that lead to the cellar.
His understandably curious nature must have lead him to explore. A dangerous thing, indeed, especially with the territorial Erik in that particular domain.
I have the feeling that he looked upon the path with suspicion. Though it could be the rightly set paranoia that I experienced when I saw him coming through that door. Or, perhaps, it was his questions concerning my “illness”.
Hyde does not like him, and I could feel his irritation just beneath the surface of my calm demeanor. It makes him nervous that someone else might find out our secret. He will have no place to hide, and I will have no choice but to draw him forth to accept his punishment for his crimes. If...I am not the one who reaps what he sowed.
Already, once, I have been condemned for his actions; ones that were inspired by another.
I mustn’t wallow in my grief, and I feel the need to clear my mind. A few moments among the others will do me well. Yes, I know it might irritate the masked one, but I gave my word and my word I shall keep. By mid month I will vanish completely.
My time upstairs was...not so well spent. At most I wandered from kitchen to parlour, akin to a specter for I was quite unnoticed by the others. It is something I have become used to. Even among them, in the middle of the din, I can be unseen. It does not bother me...
I had a chance to speak a little more with Mr. Todd, even though he tended to eye me now and again. He stated that he distrusted men. In fact, he continued to state that no man should be trusted. I beg to differ, of course. There are a few men who are extremely trustworthy. Myself for instance...when I am in control. When that control seems waned, I cannot trust anyone, not even myself.
He has also stated that he does not believe in ghosts, and finds their stories quite silly. I think that after a week’s time, he will surely change his tune.
Mrs. Linton was out of sorts; depressed, I believe. I tried to get her to stop thinking about it - whatever “it” might be - but I was unsuccessful. Instead, I suggested that she go to bed. I would say that I completely understand her loneliness if she hadn’t Heathcliff to lean upon. Perhaps their...friendship is dwindling; I know not. I try not to pry into their relationship more than I have already - which is not much to begin with. I do not wish to know of it.
I have already been a glutton for punishment in one way...I do not need to be in another.