Randomness Meme

Nov 10, 2006 23:23

Tagged by hoene. Random I think I can do. It's the normal postingness that seems to be broken. Let's see if I can find six random current things about me.

Write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tag backs. These rules should be included in your entry.

1. My Mustang ('67) may not be quite as much of a sucking black hole of sadness as I thought. It's still ugly after its '02 accident, but it turns out that when I got mad at how bad it was running two years ago and didn't touch it again--that might have been a little bit of an overreaction. Cleaned the incredibly fouled spark plugs the other day, and viola! Still obviously something wrong with the cylinders, but whee, running car! (After I stole the battery from the Cadillac.) Which I then drove to Subway and back without insurance or current registration. Maybe this random fact should be that I sometimes am not so smart. (What? I did tape one of the new registration stickers for my Eagle to the back license plate first. :P)

2. I'm tired of getting a shower every time I feed the oscars. (Of which I now have three.) And I'm not kidding. I'm happy that hand feeding them has resulted in Big Oscar actually getting food now, but the newness of needing multiple towels to clean up the floor every night is getting old. Plus I know that eventually between their overexcitement and my desire to keep my fingers, somebody's gonna end up on the floor in a puddle again. Someone besides me.

3. I am now caught up on two of my comic books. Fables and Jack of Fables. I'm not sure Jack counts thought since it's only three issues so far. I was over two years behind on regular Fables. Which means I'm still over two years behind on reading any of my other ones. And I will probably regret breaking down and catching up with my favorite first. It was that pretty pretty new hardcover graphic novel that did me in.

4. Ever since our bedroom got torn apart for remodeling, I've been using our loveseat as a dresser. Over two years later (waaaaiiiittt...so *that's* why I'm so behind on reading my comics...) I think I might add this to the list of things that's not as much fun as it used to be. It would probably be more troublesome if we ever invited people to our house. And the cats do like the extra sleeping terrain.

5. I've fallen so far behind on...everything (except winterizing my cars and Fables apparently), that even *I* can't laugh about it anymore. If I could laugh, maybe the paralyzing dread/guilt would stop being so frakking paralyzing.

6. I think black-capped chickadees are like the cutest little birds ever. And that is why I put up bird feeders instead of Christmas decorations.

And I tag ad_kay, anoel, bloodypoetry, charmax, danceswithwords, and devilpiglet. And yes I used the alphabet. Participate as you feel inclined. ;)

meme, fish, house, comics, my cars

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