I2006VP #9: "Must Get Out" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Oct 16, 2006 16:29

Or IJVP, or IVP2006, or y'know whatever. :P I'm still working on it if you can believe it. And even though I didn't label it as such, God Is A DJ was actually #8. This one I figured would make an excellent candidate for a seasonal_spuffy contribution, so that's what got me off my butt to make it and get started on the project again. What can I say, deathisyourart just gave me lots of fun multifunctional ideas. ;D

Vid #9: "Must Get Out"
Artist: Maroon 5
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Spike (Spike POV)
Requested by: deathisyourart
Downloads: 29.4 MB (640 x 480) XviD (The Big Shiny One), or 16.9 MB (320 x 240) WMV (The Small One)

Right-click and save, XviD codec available here if you need it.


Maroon 5 - "Must Get Out"

I’ve been the needle and the thread
Weaving figure eights and circles round your head
I try to laugh but cry instead
Patiently wait to hear the words you’ve never said

Fumbling through your dresser drawer forgot what I was looking for
Try to guide me in the right direction
Making use of all this time
Keeping everything inside
Close my eyes and listen to you cry

I’m lifting you up
I’m letting you down
I’m dancing til dawn
I’m fooling around
I’m not giving up
I’m making your love
This city’s made us crazy and we must get out

This is not goodbye she said
It is just time for me to rest my head
She does not walk she runs instead
Down these jagged streets and into my bed

When I was fumbling through your dresser drawer forgot what I was looking for
Try to guide me in the right direction
Making use of all this time
Keeping everything inside
Close my eyes and listen to you cry

I’m lifting you up
I’m letting you down
I’m dancing til dawn
I’m fooling around
I’m not giving up
I’m making your love
This city’s made us crazy and we must get out

There’s only so much I can do for you
After all of the things you put me through

I’m lifting you up
I’m letting you down
I’m dancing til dawn
I’m fooling around
I’m not giving up
I’m making your love
This city’s made us crazy and we must get out


I'm never going to apologize for being a Spuffy shipper. Hee. (Or using "Spuffy" because I think it's just the right amount of ridiculous.) And I was very happy to get a chance to make a sweeter (but not too sweet) vid for them. I missed my chance to make a really sappy one for them back before things got even more twisted and messed up 'cause I didn't know about vids and wasn't actually watching the show, so this is probably as fluffy as I can do for them now. ;} It's also inbetween the other two Spuffy vids I've done in regards to tone, which was fun, because even if it's not new territory, it was new to *me*. Heh.

IVP notes...uhm, nothing fancy techwise. I blurred one of the clips on some of the fades and chose which clip to blur so that the other one fading into it would stand out more. Just a little way for me to linger on some of the clips and introduce the next one, and something I've done before. And I made myself figure out a way to work the credits into the vid for practice on that. The song has a really clear beat, but oddly I had little or no desire to really stick to it. I cut much more to lyrics and instruments that weren't the drums. Which probably led to sections where the rhythm and pacing are odd, but by the time I finished I'd lost the ability to really tell where those were. And I didn't have time to beta before my posting day was over. So, if you find areas that feel odd, feel free to point them out so I can make note of what I did for future vids and try to avoid it.

This was largely a chance for me to vid some of my favorite (but not all--there are always some that just sit and laugh at you) scenes. Many of them *very* well-worn Spuffy moments. ;D But dammit, I wanted to play with them too. Heck, some of them I already have. This is all about the lyrics for me. More than any other recent vid I've worked on, except maybe Grapes of Wrath. :P That and getting to really hit some of the scenes with the right moments in the music to try and get that little sentimental edge to really pop. I think some of them worked pretty well. Clip choice was making me nutty after a while because there were so many ways for it to go. There are a ton of different possible Spuffy vids in this song, and it was a little overwhelming at times trying to figure out which one I wanted to make.

And oh boy, there's the intercutting again. I can't seem to stop it. Before I started working out where to use it in here, it just felt like a big jumbled mess. But I watch other really good vids and they don't use it like the crutch that I do, so I know I need to look at that. Can I just blame heresluck? If I'd never seen Come On I might not have ever done it, and then I would have this little...problem. Please? :}

The other thing I noticed making this? Buffy and smiling do not meet up much when Spike is around. At least not in this vid. And now I need more Spuffy fic. And to go rewatch other Spuffy vids and some of these episodes with the sound on.

Oh, one more note that deathisyourart made me think of. She said the scene that played through her head when she first heard the song that made it a Spuffy song for her was the infamous sweater sniffing one. Hee. And I did actually try to find a place to put that clip that wasn't on *that* lyric, but it was just way to goofy. So goofy that I actually watched that whole scene twice even with no sound because the sniffing and "grrrr" crack me up so much. ;)

And, uh, ok, I think that's it. /ramble

btvs, ijvp, vids

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