Continuing with the theme of random...

Nov 19, 2006 01:30

(Because random and posting is better than not posting at all.) My graphics card cooler is going out in an incredibly annoying fashion. It alternates between sounding like a helicopter, two birds fighting, and a y'know, really broken fan. I ordered a replacement today but the next four or five days are going to last *forever*.

To distract myself, I made a blackberry and bing cherry pie. And then because I always feel the need to make those little cuts in crust look pretty, I tried to make a Battlestar Galactica isignia. It was kind of lopsided and I had to add other random cuts to even out the design, but Gerry told me he could recognize it. This was after I already told him what it was though, so who knows. :P And then I ate two pieces to keep the two pieces of pizza I ate for supper company. (Gerry made really yummy pizza from scratch so I figured I should do my part to help make sure it stays hard for us not to keep adding on pounds. I mean, I don't want all the blame on him. ;})


::can't believe she actually wants some alone time away from her computer::

food, bsg, computer

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