The idea of an "Ascension of Men" campaign has been floating around my mind. The idea being man* is still a 'young' race and the world is an uncivilized and hostile place
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We recently got a lot of Malhavoc artwork framed and hung up. A friend was looking at it and said she could tell that it was from our books because the women were sensibly dressed. - Monte Cook ( source)
I've been thinking over my custom Bard class for Arcana EvolvedWith respect to some of my previous comments on bardic music, I realize the implementation I have sucks, and really needs tweaking. One of those is the Perform check used to activate/maintain bardic music
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I've been thinking about bards. According to the "rules", it's impossible to do just about anything but attack while singing a bardic song.
How unbalanced would it be to just flat-out lift that restriction, allowing a bard to use bardic music while casting spells or using magic items? Or, perhaps make it just a concentration or perform check?
Hmm, interesting minor tweak to stock d&d. Caster classes can choose their primary Spell casting stat from a limited list, something like
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