New Fic: A Time to Heal Part Six

Jun 20, 2012 01:00

Title: A Time to Heal
Author: Twilight
Summary: What the hell just happened? One minute he was holding his gun on Davis and the next he was on the ground with Danny bleeding all over him.
Rated: Pg 13
Feedback: Always welcome

Part One

Part Six

The Williams’ flight from LAX had arrived a little before schedule, but Chin hadn’t spotted them yet.

Yesterday, in the mist of crisis, no one had thought to coordinate a meeting place, but it seemed like a logical choice to wait near the baggage claim, so he watched as passengers picked up their luggage, looking for two people he had only ever seen in photos.

Most recently, Danny had shared pictures of his parent’s fortieth wedding anniversary, a family affair that included Danny’s sisters and extended family, and at the time, Chin had felt a pang of sorrow for Danny having to miss such a major milestone.

Danny had made some impossible choices, having left his family and friends behind, and a job that he had loved, to follow his daughter and start a brand new life here and Chin had just wished this reunion would have been because of happier circumstances.

Yesterday…the whole thing…was just messed up.

He was having a hard time with the reality of something like this happening to someone he knew and was close too, someone who had always had his back, even when others had thought he was a dirty cop, Danny had been there with a beer and an ear to listen.

And Chin knew, even though the possibility was always going to be there, that any of them could have taken that bullet, the reality of it…not something he ever wanted to have to go through again.

And he was worried for the rest of his team too.

Last night, Kono had been so quiet, withdrawn, but she wouldn’t take him up on his offer to stay with him and Malia, so he took her to her place, hugged her tight before walking her to her apartment door, promising to join her in the morning, so they could get back to finding Davis and the shooter...and Steve…

Steve looked like he was hanging on by his fingernails, laser focused on his partner and whatever emotions he had been dealing with. Chin wasn’t sure what he had been seeing between the two men, only that it was clear Steve and Danny cared for each other deeply. They were good together, brought out the best in each other, complemented, fulfilled the voids, but what that all meant, well, it was complicated… and Chin wasn’t about to speculate.

Another wave of people emerged down the stairs from the terminal and among them Chin spotted a tall, thin woman, with short blond hair, her eyes searching the crowd. Trailing behind her was a shorter dark haired man and Chin could see Danny in him, even though Mr. Williams was darker in complexion, more like Matt, it was clear Danny got his good looks from his dad.

He stepped toward them, raising a hand in greeting, “Mr. and Mrs. Williams…Aloha. I’m Chin Ho Kelly.”

Danny’s mom took his hand in hers and squeezed, leaning down to dot a kiss on his cheek, “It’s very nice to meet you Chin, please just call me Mel…Danny has had good things to say about you and Malia.”

And he smiled, realizing that maybe Danny took a bit after his mother too.

“Jim…Jimmy, this is Chin,” Mr. Williams shifted their suitcases, grabbing his hand in a firm grip.

“How’s Danny,” he asked, getting right to it.

Chin reached for one of the suitcases, pulling the handle toward him so they could walk and talk. “I stopped by this morning, before coming here, and he looked better. I also spoke with Steve on the phone a little while ago, and he told me that Danny’s scheduled for the second half of the surgery this afternoon, that he’s vitals are good, that the surgeon seemed hopeful.”

They walked through a throng of tourists, all talking excitedly to each other and snapping pictures of airport employees as they presented leis to family and friends.

“That’s good," Mrs. Williams’ said, worrying a fingernail with the corner of her mouth.

The air was hot when they stepped from the terminal, a little humid and it looked like storm clouds were gathering.

The first fat drops of rain started as they made it to Steve’s truck, which was parked close to the building in a restricted parking area, just one of the perks of being on the task force.

Chin unlocked the doors with the key fob, stowing the luggage on the back bench, the other half of the seat already occupied by Danny’s mother. His dad slid into the front as Chin got in and he explained, “Steve’s house is on the way and I need to pick up my car. We have some time if you would like to freshen up before we head to the hospital,” but he knew as soon as he said it, that his offer would probably be declined, both of them seeming anxious to get to their son.

So he was surprised when Mr. Williams’ said, “We can stow our bags, maybe get a bite to eat…” even as his wife was shaking her head no. “Yes, Mel…we’ve been traveling for almost fifteen hours straight, and we need to take care of ourselves, if we want to be able to take care of Danny.”

Chin smiled, thinking that Steve needed to take a page out of the Williams’ book. When he had stopped by the hospital, before the airport; he had found Steve curled up in an uncomfortable looking chair near Danny’s bed, his head canted to the side, at an odd angle, that was sure to make for a stiff neck in the morning, drool collecting at the corner of his mouth, and one hand resting on Danny’s arm.

And Danny...he had looked better to Chin's untrained eye, even if he was still unnaturally still, he wasn't so pale.

A nurse had stopped in while he was looking at his friend and had assured him Danny was doing better, but had said that his boss had been sleeping fitfully throughout the night, refusing to go home to rest, but when Chin dropped off Danny’s folks, he was going to get Steve to head home, even if he had to use threats and a crowbar to get the man out of that chair.

It didn't take long to get to Steve's place, the rain already tapering to an end and Chin used his key to unlock the door. The Williams' looked around, uncertain, taking in the space. Chin led them through the living room and down the hall to the spare bedroom. "How about you get settled and I'll make something fast...ham sandwiches okay?"

Mr. Williams took their bags, putting them in the corner of the room and nodded, "That sounds great."

"There is a private bath," Chin showed them the adjoining bathroom. "I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready."

Danny's mom grabbed his arm as he passed, giving him a slight squeeze before dropping her hand, "Have you or Steve...have you talked to Rachel and Gracie?"

"Steve did, last night. Rachel said she would bring Grace to see Danny in a few days..."

And she smiled, looking a little relieved and he wondered about the Williams' relationship with their ex-daughter-in-law.

It had to be difficult to be friendly with a woman that had badly hurt their son, taken their grand daughter so many miles away.

Chin left them to get settled, moving through the house, opening some of the windows to let some air circulate for when Steve got home. It didn't take him long to put together ham and cheese on soft rolls. He gathered the mayo and mustard, a plate with lettuce and tomato, a bag of chips, taking every thing to the dining room table. The plates and napkins were paper, but he did fill glasses with ice and grabbed a pitcher of fresh brewed tea as the couple came down the hall.

He noted that they had changed, looked a little more comfortable as they sat at the table.

Mr. Williams poured them both a glass of tea as Mrs. Williams took sandwiches from the platter for them, "Thank you, Chin," she said. "It’s good to know that Danny has found some good friends here, that he's...not so alone."

"Danny's a good friend to have," he told them, leaving them alone to finish their food.

He went through the house and out the sliding door and sank on to one of the deck chairs, pulling his phone and dialing Kono.

"Hey, cuz," she answered. "What's the word?

"I'm at Steve's. The Williams are eating before we head to the hospital. Anything new on the Davis front?"

"I'm having Peters brought up from holding. Figured I'll have another go at him. He’s got to know Davis' exit strategy..."

And Chin didn't want to think about Kono's second go around with Davis' second in command, plausible deniability and all that.

"Okay, call me if you get anything. I'm going to be in after I take Danny's parents to the hospital and strong arm Steve into heading home for a bit."

"Kay, good luck with that,"she said, sounding a little more like herself. "I'll see you soon."

He felt a presence at his back as he pocketed his phone and found Danny's dad looking out and over the beach, toward the beating waves.

"Mr. Williams?"

The man snapped out of whatever place his mind had taken him, "Just Jim or Jimmy," he said. "Mel's cleaning up, but then we'd like to get to the hospital."

Chin followed him into the house, seeing Danny's mom placing a glass in the drainer and drying her hands on a towel.

"We ready," Chin asked, and they both nodded, following him back out the front door.

They road behind him in Steve's truck, the ride was short, traffic having thinned after the morning rush.

They parked in the garage, made their way through the main entrance, and took the elevator up to the seventh floor. Chin spotted the same nurse from his morning visit and asked her how Danny was doing, saying, "This is Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Danny's parents."

"Aloha," she shook their hands, "I'm Tina...and Danny is doing pretty well, all things considered. Doctor Hoy will be checking in on him in the next hour or so and then they'll be taking him back to the OR."

They followed her down the hall to Danny's room, letting her slide the glass door open for them.

Chin hung back a bit, wanting to give them a chance to see Danny and not be intrusive.

He could see Steve standing as they entered; could see Steve getting a bear hug from Danny's mom while his dad headed right for the bed.

Steve met his eyes, but went back to looking at Danny's parents as they stood for a minute and just looked at their son.

Jimmy moved first, leaning over Danny and lifting the sheet that covered his chest, taking in the bandages and tubes, the wires and machines that were keeping his son alive.

Mel moved closer too, leaning on her husband, big tears bubbling in her blue eyes and falling down her cheeks, "Oh, baby...Jim...he's so..."

"Its okay, Darling," and Danny's dad pulled his wife close against his side.

Steve shuffled a little closer to the bed, his hand going back to Danny's arm. "He looks a lot better," he said, his voice hopeful.

Jimmy nodded, using his free hand to rub his knuckles in short strokes over Danny's chest. "Hey, monkey boy...Ma and Pop are here...can you open your eyes, bud?"

Danny's dad kept rubbing the same spot and soon, dull blue eyes opened to slits, skittering around the room, looking at Steve before shifting his head a little to see his parents.

"There you are," his mom said, stepping out of her husbands embrace and leaning over Danny, looking her son in the eyes. "We're here, babe. You're going to be fine."

Danny's throat worked around the tube and he blinked slowly a time or two, his eyes wet, tears leaking and running into his hair line.

Both Steve and Danny’s mom reached forward to wipe them away. “'s okay, baby…you’re doing great…getting better. You’ll be home before you know it.”

Doctor Hoy walked into the room as Mel wiped at another tear.

“Look whose awake,” he smiled, walking closer to the bed, standing beside Steve, “Mom and Dad,” he asked, reaching across Danny to shake the Williams’ hands.

“Jim Williams, my wife Melanie. How’s my boy doing?”

The doctor went on to explain Danny’s condition as Steve slipped away, moving toward Chin. “How’s the investigation going?” And when he got closer, Chin could see just how exhausted Steve looked, his eyes puffy and he must have stiffen up over night, because he walked with a shuffled stride.

“Kono is working on Peters.”

Steve nodded, rubbing a hand up and over his head and then surprised Chin by telling him, “I’m going to head home in a few, let his parents have some time alone with him before they take him back to surgery.”

“That’s good, Steve,” he told him. “You need to sleep in a bed, get something to eat, take care of yourself so you can help take care of Danny.”

“Yeah…” and he looked back toward the room and Danny’s parents.

“Go ahead,” Chin told him and watched as he took swift strides back to Danny’s side, his hand going back to Danny’s arm.

Chin listened for a few seconds as Dr. Hoy explained what he would be doing to Danny during his second trip to the OR, how long he expected it would take and when they all might get to see Danny again.

“Someone will be by in a little while to get him ready. Do you have any questions for me?”

Danny's eyes had closed again and Chin watched as Steve rubbed at Danny’s arm, letting Danny’s parents ask what they needed.

After a while, he turned from the room and the hurting people in it.

He went to the elevator and down two floors, walking the well known path to his wife’s office.

He found her there, sitting behind her desk, a pen sticking out from behind her ear. She was writing something with another one, but after a second or two, she looked up and saw him standing in the door way.

Early this morning, after dropping off his cousin, he had gone home, finding Malia already asleep in their bed, and had tried to be quiet as he changed and crawled in beside her, but she turned toward him as soon as he settled down, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close.

Now she stood, walking around the desk and pulling him into her office, closing her door, drawling him into her arms. “Is he okay?” she asked, because she always knew what was weighing on Chin’s mind.

He nodded, taking in her scent, burying his nose into her curly hair. “They’re taking him back to the OR soon, but his parents are with him now and Steve…he’s heading home to get some rest.”

She squeezed him tighter, “Then I’ll make some time to go check in with them, make sure they’re okay while they wait.”

And he held her tighter, closer, because he loved her so damn much and didn’t want to think what he would do if he were to ever lose her.

Part Seven

steve, h/c, h50 fic, oc, medical trauma, kono, a time to heal series, chin, danny

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