Nov 14, 2006 12:33
SO! Here I am at home kids. Just flexing. As in just hanging about. Doing not a lot.
I am officially unemployed [insert whoot! and/or crap! here, depending on the mood].
Admittedly I had had enough of the 9 to 5 for the time being, but personally I would have stuck it out until at least we had bought another house, now that we had finally sold the block of land. Then once I was paying off my own mortgage instead of someone else's, I would have been happy enough to become unemployed and have a bit of a break (you gotta pay to live somewhere, whether it's rent or mortgage doesn't really make a difference in terms of fundage, I would just feel more secure knowing I was in my OWN place).
But anyway yeah, as it turns out, it seems that my fucked up workplace had other ideas. So here I am. In the land of unemployment.
Times are so tough there[INSERT SARCASM ICON] , they have let three people go and are only replacing one, and that only for 3 days a week.
Mind you, they apparently gave themselves a payrise 2 weeks ago so yeah, times are tough indeed (when you are cheap bastards trying to squeeze your workers dry and taking home a big fat pay packet for yourself). They can go suck a fuck.
Anyway, apart from the timing and the possibly being destined to rent forever, like I said, I'm not entirely unhappy with the whole situation. At least we don't have any debts, and have a bit of money in the bank for emergencies. I just hope we don't spend it all in the interim - it's supposed to be the deposit for a new house (if I ever get a job and can apply for a loan again sometime in the future). The 9 months before I got that job almost 5 years ago, I was quite happily unemployed. I 'm quite happy to have a rest/bludge for a while. I can concentrate on getting my Cert III in Fitness Instruction and some Les Mills Certificiation under my belt. And on cleaning the house and cooking some actual meals both of which have taken a back seat lately - when you're always either at work or the gym, it doesn't leave much time for that domestic stuff - you have a quick tidy up and grab something that takes 5 mins to heat up and that's domesticity for you.
I could quite happily be the housewife and I'm even happy to cook and clean etc if i don't have to go to work - if someone will just PAY me to do this. Any takers?
We are still going to New Zealand though, in about..... oh shit - two weeks exactly. I mean it was already paid for and shit when this happened. We thought about cancelling it and trying to get a refund etc, but FUCK IT. It's paid for and let's face it, we may not be able to afford a holiday in some time, so we may as well enjoy this one while we can.
Oh yeah, and Louise has handed in her resignation too. That's been coming for months, but she just couldn't take it anymore.
Not sure where to go from here. I'm happy to consider moving to Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney/New Zealand (WTF?) but Lou doesn't really want to leave the area. So I guess we'll see what turns up.
At least we've got our health, and that's the main thing I guess.
So what have you guys been up to? Entertain me with your merry tales.