Torchwood Welcome

Apr 08, 2007 20:56

Title: Torchwood Welcome
Author: drusemia
Pairing: Jack/Ianto pre-slash
Disclaimer: Not mine. But that doesn't stop them from talking to me.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Not beta'ed.
Summary: Jack tries to make his new emplyee comfortable.
Spoilers: Pre-series so nothing unless you don't know who these people are.

Ianto looked up at the sound of the door to the information center opening and blinked in surprise as Jack entered. "Hello, sir. What brings you to my corner of the world?"

"Well," Jack began as he slid his coat off and leaned over the counter, "it's been a fairly quiet day so far and I decided to take advantage of that by coming to ask my favorite Welshman to have drinks with me. Maybe even dinner. What do you say?"

"I don't think it's a good idea, sir." Was the unwelcome reply.

"Why ever not?" Jack pouted.

"You know why not." Ianto replied.

"Is it because I'm an American? Or brunette? Because I can go blond." The Captain offered.

"It's because-blond? You? That just would be wrong."

"So it's not the hair color?"

"Sir, we're co-workers." Ianto explained.


"I don't believe in mixing business with pleasure."

Jack appeared to think this over for a moment before responding with a brilliant grin. "I could fire you. Then we wouldn't be co-workers."

Ianto sighed. "And I would be very unlikely to date someone who rendered me unemployed." He said both exasperation and fondness in his tone.

"Good point. Hmm. I know. I could charge you. Then it would be all business."

The younger man hung his head. "Sir-"

"Come on." Jack said, his tone still playful but somehow more serious. "You're still new in town and I like to take my staff every once in a while."

"Don't you mean take your staff out every once in a while?"

"If that makes you feel better." The Captain winked.

"So Suzie, Owen and Toshiko will be there to make sure you behave yourself?" Ianto asked doubtfully.

"Nobody can make me behave myself. But I'll try to keep the groping to a minimum at least." Jack leered.

"With a guarantee like that, how can I stay away?"

"Good man. Shall we?"

"I just need to lock up here."

"Go on then. Quick as you can."

"What's your rush? It's still early."

"The sooner we're at the bar, the sooner I can ply you with liquor and try to take advantage of your inebriated state."

jack/ianto, fic, torchwood

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