What is this obsession with things not being real?!?
A female ex-soldier runs for political office and she's not a "real hero". Right because being a woman negates whatever she was doing when she lost both legs in Afghanistan. Or maybe because she's a democrat? Remember Kerry v Bush. He wasn't a "real" soldier because he went to Vietnam seeking glory. And he didn't deserve his medal because his bullet wounds weren't that bad. I don't recall anyone claiming W. wasn't a real soldier despite his staying in the US and possibly not even managing to show up for work/training.
Today it's been, "it's not a real train station.". Apparently just having a track a station and trains stopping there isn't enough. Apparently "real" stations must have taxis waiting outside. I guess by that logic DC isn't a real city because it doesn't have multiple Burroughs like NYC.
Then, to top it all off Galen was getting theoretical about if dinosaurs ever lived. What if their bones aren't bones just powder that look like bones? Now 1) no question is dumb 2) there is no reason to get angry at a child for creativity
However...we live somewhere so über religious and it smacks of anti-evolution junk. I'm not thrilled hearing my child parroting religious extremism dogma and not in the best mind set to respond before 8am.
Here's what's real for me facts. Train stations are train stations no matter how small. Hospitals are hospitals level 3 NICU or no. Any place with an OR is a labor and delivery ward no matter what curtsies name they give it. Women and Democrats are people too. If you wouldn't say it to our face don't say it on television. And if you really would tell a Vietnam vet with a bullet wound to show for it or a rape victim to her face it wasn't "real" maybe you need to figure out why your soul is so dark and why you're so mean.
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