Jan 26, 2011 09:08
Brian did NOT go on travel this week. If he was going on travel he wouldn't have even left until tonight. It seems that the travel curse hit anyway but this time he got stuck cleaning it up. Now I wish I could do a bit of bwa, ha, ha here but I can't. Because, there is nothing funny about diarrhea at 2AM.
This time its the dog. It was all over him, the floor, etc...
So, Brian got to clean up in the middle of the night then again this am before work.
And I did NAET last night and as expected am now off egg/chicken/etc... for 25 hours. Galen is off B-vitamins. This has already involved screaming (on my part) last night as Galen picked up some bread to ask before eating it* while poor Brian was running around trying to get different dinners for the other 3 of us.**
So far this AM, I have washed dog bowls covered in poop, started the poop filled laundry, hand mopped the foyer, cleaned the beef juices off the kitchen counter, cleaned up the leak under the sink and finished the milk. And starred with despair at the kitchen sink full of dishes covered in egg and the egg covered pan on the stove wondering how the _ _ _ _ I am supposed to cook for myself and 2 kids (snow day) if I can't get w/in 5ft of the stove or sink. And given that the person that left them there got up at 2am to wrestle and clean up a diarrhea covered dog and did it again this morning it wouldn't be very nice to be cranky with them since clearly they're trying as hard as they can and then some.
So, I'm off to take a shower and hope it will wash the last stench of doggy poo out of the air. Then maybe I'll brave the grocery store - so much for the smells and 5 ft rule, eh? - to find milk in a snow storm. I'm going to have to wash the egg dishes anyways. And through it all I will be staring at the 2 enormous tupperwares of chocolate chip cookies that I made Mon. night that I can't have. Oh sure it better for me not to drown my sorrows in chocolate chip cookies but gosh darn it they're right there on the kitchen counter.
*The big issue w/ NAET is the avoidance part for 25 hours is supposed to be very strict. You should not smell the item you are avoiding nor even be within 5 feet of the item. 5ft from a chicken/egg product in this house is not easy!
**Perry, bless him, pulled his own dinner out of the fridge and microwaved it. He was so cute, "I need to get a ceramic plate, plastic can melt." Of course since he had pizza, I had pot roast, and Galen had a hot dog this just added to the meat/diary confusion.