Snow? What is that?

Dec 05, 2007 11:32

I seriously believe that the people who live in the metropolitan DC area ask themselves that every year. Because today, it seemed like these people have never driven in snow before. And it wasn't even a bad storm.

I left my apartment today at 8:15am...Got to Greenbelt at 10:10ish....For those of you who do not wish to calculate...that would be almost 2 hours...for a 15 mile drive. I got to work just after 11:15. Again to calculate, that is 3 hours that it took me to get to work...normally, about an hour and 15 minute commute more than doubled. All because of snow, because for some reason, these people do not know how to drive in it. I fucking hate this place now. It's worse than Salisbury in the least I could get places in Salisbury in less than double the time. Like I could get to the mall in 20 minutes instead of the normal 10-15. Not in this area though...3 hours to get to work. I almost turned around and went home, but I had to go into the city for lab anyway.

If it's still like this tomorrow, I am going to have to leave at like 5am to get to fucking McLean.....Can I move to Kansas now?

3 hours...are you fucking kidding me?

fuck dc, 3 hours, snow

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