The first time I felt like I belonged in..well, months

Dec 10, 2007 10:14

This weekend rocked. While baking all those cookies on Friday made it a very long day it was worth it watch people devour them. Saturday, woke up early and headed to my sisters place so she could take myself and two of her friends hiking. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoy hiking. I came home and finished up some baking (covering those awesome pretzels in chocolate) and headed to Salisbury. As I got closer, I actually felt like I was going was a good feeling to have since I hadn't felt that in so long. Went to the Kennington's holiday party (they own the cigar store for those of you who don't know who that name belongs to). That was an interesting time. Left there to come back to Salisbury for some good times. Saturday night was amazing, the best night I've had in a long while. Sunday, I went to Panera (YUM!) and went around like Mrs Claus giving out cookies and such. I didn't leave Salisbury until 7:30, so I could see Steph when she got home. It was good times...I miss it already!

da bury, home

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