Yes I know what I am

Jun 19, 2011 15:38

Canon Source: Devil May Cry
Canon Format: Video game
Character's Name: Trish
Character's Age: Unknown, looks to be in her mid twenties.

What form will your character's NV take? A black Android smartphone.

Character's Canon Abilities: Super strength, speed and agility, as well as an elevated healing rate and the ability to conduct and produce lightning. She has also demonstrated the ability to change her appearance, though whether or not this was achieved through her own abilities or due to some magical artefact has never been explicitly stated in canon. Whatever the means, she will retain this ability in Siren’s Port.
 Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A 
Weapons: Twin handguns named Luce and Ombra. These are enchanted and enhanced so that they produce an infinite amount of ammo.


Character History: Wiki link is here.

The wiki is not especially detailed, so here’s a brief summary of her history:
Once upon a time there was a Prince of Darkness named Mundus who wanted to lure Dante (the son of his arch nemesis Sparda) to Mallet Island, where he intended to kill him and then open the gates of Hell to let demons and devils walk the earth- a feat he would be unable to accomplish were his arch nemesis’ progeny still around to stop him. But how does one go about doing this? By creating an irresistible lure in the shapely form of Trish, who appeared before Dante with news that the Prince of Darkness who killed his mother and brother was operating out of Mallet Island and Dante really should check it out… after dynamically introducing herself by crashing through the doors of his office on a motorcycle, impaling him on his own sword Force Edge and then sending a few thousand volts of electricity through it, then throwing the motorcycle she had ridden in on at him for good measure. The icing on the cake, however, was that the lovely Trish was created to be the very image of Eva, Dante and Vergil's dead mother. Hooked like a fish, Dante followed her to Mallet Island and proceeded to undergo a series of gruelling challenges to get to the heart of the island. Trish watched, impressed by Dante’s prowess, and continued to report back to her master of his progress. However, not even devil women can resist the man in the red leather coat, and Trish's allegiance shifted from Mundus to Dante after he saved her life from the hell creature Nightmare. She sacrificed herself to save Dante's life when Mundus tried to kill him, and was later revived and loaned Dante her powers in order to finally defeat Mundus. She also showed signs of her own humanity by crying; a feat which Dante tells her devils are incapable of performing. With the whole messy business on Mallet Island out of the way, Trish established herself as Dante's devil hunting partner and worked with him for a time at Devil May Cry.

Trish is absent from the prequel, Devil May Cry 3*, but returns in Devil May Cry 4 on a secret mission to infiltrate the Order of the Sword. Incognito. As Gloria. By bringing Sparda's sword, the Sparda, to Fortuna, she quickly wins the Order's trust and ascends through the ranks. This rouses some suspicion amongst some of the members as she is the only woman in the ranks and it is a very rapid rise to the top, even though her skills in combat cannot be denied. She conducts herself within the Order brazenly, keeping a watchful eye on both Sanctus (the leader) and the Order’s rogue element Nero, a teenage boy with a left arm possessed of demonic power and some strange, unknown connection to the bloodline of Sparda. ** ‘Gloria’ also agrees to take responsibility for hunting down Dante after he attacks the Order’s Cathedral and ‘kills’ Sanctus (who is later revived in a demonic ritual). After ending her mission, she spends the rest of the game helping Dante by evacuating the city while he and Nero face down the Saviour. Once the day is saved, she and Dante return to Devil May Cry, where they are paid and short changed (Trish alleges) by Lady for their role in the proceedings, before a call comes through and the trio enthusiastically embark on a new job.

*As for Devil May Cry 2? No one knows what the hell to make of 2. Even Capcom, who don’t seem to acknowledge it anywhere in the timeline. It’s generally agreed upon that it occurs some time post 4, and so it will not have any bearing on Trish’s characterisation from the canon point I have taken her from.

**One of the game novels suggests that Nero is Sparda’s grandson by Dante’s older brother Vergil and a human, but this has yet to be confirmed in game canon.

Point in Canon: Post Devil May Cry 4

Character Personality: A femme fatale in tight black leather, Trish is not short of confidence and was created by Mundus purely for the purpose of luring Dante to Mallet Island. In this respect, it has been argued that she is some sort of succubus devil but certainly not to the extent of Nevan. Trish certainly has a mischievous, flirtatious side to her; her disguise in the form of Gloria in Devil May Cry 4 is definitely evidence of this as she made Nero feel incredibly uncomfortable when she appeared before him for the first time and defeated all of the attacking devils as though she was starring in a demonic blue movie. You only need to look at Gloria to realise that Trish has a devious and interesting sense of humour. She also seems to thrive on chaos; she deliberately escalates the situation in Fortuna in the course of Devil May Cry 4 by bringing Dante’s powerful Devil Arm, the Sparda, to the attention of the Order of the Sword. On the other hand, this act also gained her admission into the inner sanctum of the Order and earned her the trust of Sanctus, which shows that Trish is resourceful and not beyond throwing the cat among the pigeons in order to root out the cause of a problem.

Trish is also a 'take no crap from anyone' kind of woman; she is extremely annoyed at Lady when she short changes her and Dante at the end of the fourth game and tries to bully Dante into getting him to do something about it. It can also be argued that she and Lady have a rivalry against each other, though mostly good natured as the two are comfortable around each other after the cash dispute is temporarily interrupted by a phone call bringing a new job. She enjoys the thrill of devil hunting (as seen when she takes the Sparda and goes ahead to Fortuna before Dante has even decided to take up the mission) and takes pleasure from it, if Gloria's delighted whooping is anything to go by. In the anime too (which was designed and endorsed by Capcom to stir up interest in DMC4 and also to expand on the characters of the game and the game universe), she goads Lady into fighting her by appearing to be a hostile adversary, just because she wants a chance to test the other woman's skills and desires a challenge while hunting down a fairly pathetic devil. The prospect of the hunt is thrilling to her too, as seen in her teasing questioning of Dante about the prospect of taking up a job at the end of DMC4 when she knows full well that the answer will be a hearty “Hell yeah.” Despite once working for his arch enemy, Trish is loyal to Dante and happily takes on the role of his partner at Devil May Cry. She is a capable fighter who sides with humanity and is discovering her own with Dante's help. If the anime is anything to go by, she also has a fondness for shopping, but is quite happy to let her partner foot the bill.

Appearance/PB: To sum her up in two words: Blonde Bombshell. Trish is a by no means unattractive woman with pale skin, blue eyes and long blonde hair. She bears more than a passing resemblance to Dante’s mother Eva. She has an hourglass figure and long legs, and by her own admission she dresses to impress. Her penchant for black leather is something of a trademark, as she has sported an ensemble of boots, corset and tightly fitted pants in all her incarnations. As Gloria however, Trish is utterly ridiculous, looking like a perma-tanned Lady Gaga with a costume that leaves very, very little to the imagination and seems to defy physics with how it preserves her modesty in combat and actually manages to keep things looking so...pert.

Character Information


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