She said, God made her a sinner

Sep 22, 2010 15:09

  • She's part succubus devil. Her M.O. isn't the same as Nevan's, but she was still made in the same mould: attract and ensnare. This trait still lingers on in her playful flirtatiousness; she enjoys getting people wound up over her.
  • The penchant for causing trouble is entirely Trish's own. She's a thrill seeker; if she has to cause a little mayhem to get her thrills then it's collateral damage. She always makes sure she- or someone else- cleans up after her.
  • She was not the first of Mundus' attempts to create a devil in Eva's image, and she's pretty damn sure she wouldn't have been the last if she had fallen short of his expectations.
  • She did fall short of his expectations after all, but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it when it came to the crunch.
  • Mundus only sent her to Devil May Cry after her appearance evoked the desired reaction from Nelo Angelo.
  • For a turncoat, she's incredibly loyal to Dante and won't be swapping sides again. He taught her about humanity, instilled it in her, and now he's stuck with her.
  • Her favourite colour is red, but she will never wear it.
  • If she thought she was capable of loving like a human, she would admit that she loves Dante. She died for him once, she'd do it again without a second thought- but she would hope she'd come back again to kick his ass for it afterwards.
  • The first time she saw Nero, she made a mental note to ask Dante if he'd ever visited Fortuna in his youth.
  • She views Lady as a friendly rival, she wouldn't admit out loud that she likes her, but can't help but admire her as a shining example of human strength. Bitch still needs to give them their money though.
  • Power is attractive to her. Call it demonic instinct.
  • Do not steal her dessert.
  • Her favourite human indulgence is a two hour hot bath. And she doesn't care who needs the bathroom while she's having it, they will have to wait for her to finish.
  • The most expensive thing she ever bought herself was her bike.
  • She loves wearing silk because of how it feels, but sticks to leather because she knows how to flaunt what she's got.
  • Nothing gets her blood up more than a hunt in a thunderstorm.
  • She hates that she looks like Eva. The woman was beautiful and incredible and she admires her hugely, but she'll never be able to shake the feeling that sometimes Dante will be looking at her and it's not her that he's seeing.



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