Nov 22, 2008 17:49
Oh, boy R, why must you ruin the day of Merlin?
I'm taking the opportunity of R being in the kitchen, raiding my already quite bare cupboards in search of food, to wangst about him a bit. We've been watching all the Merlin episodes back-to-back, because I've finally managed to convert him and he needed to catch up before tonight's episode, which has been lots of fun and all kinds of brilliant, not least because any Merlin-related activity is made of awesome, but also because R is a really great friend.
This gets complicated by the fact that, as with many mixed-sex friendships, we've had our moments of being attracted to each other and a few drunken things. But we've never been more than friends - one or other of us has always been in a relationship, or too busy dealing with RL angst. Eventually, 2 years into our friendship, we realised (and discussed) that nothing more than friendship was ever going to happen. We're very incompatible, for a start.
But today, boy R has taken it upon himself to smother me with compliments and then be far more flirtatious than usual. This could just be random friendship-type stuff, though; sometimes he's like that. Then he said he needed to talk to be about something.
Immediately, my alarm bells are ringing. Needing to talk, especially in a serious tone of voice, is never good.
Lo and behold, he reveals that there's "a really good friend" in his life that he's "wanted to be with" for quite some time, but that he "hasn't wanted to ruin the friendship", and wanting to know how I would react if, just for argument's sake, I was the girl he was talking about.
It really annoys me when people do this. He could well just be talking about some other female friend of his (he's flirtatious by nature, and subsequently has a fair few close female friends, many of whom he could reasonably be attracted to), but he could also be talking about me and trying to gauge my reaction before pushing things any further.
And obviously the Merlining of today isn't over, and I will be wondering and confused now.
I'm going to ask him, obviously, when he returns from the kitchen, because I'm not the type of person to just let things slide like that, but I already know he'll just hedge his bets and shuffle his feet without giving me a proper response.
Oh, boy R, you do confuse me.
Anyway, enough of that random, babbling bewilderment. If anyone didn't get replies from me on any comments, etc. and you would usually expect to (Heather, this is mainly aimed at you), it's because I wasn't receiving my LJ notifications on hotmail, for some reason.
Oh, also: boy R isn't the same boy from the epic wankfest of my RL angst this week, just to clarify. If anyone cares lol.