Jul 31, 2008 11:23
Hello Everybody
Allen Bergles again. Yes the goggle issue is a fact and I have been in contact with Fibre-Metal (Mfg) and that goggle has not been silver since 1998 (est) yet it is still silver on their web site. So like the lab coat, the goggle the production company had was deep in a prop room for years. I have contacted 7 other google mfg and nobody has one even close. The closest is Gateway safety and it is also Green, not silver. Like Pendergast, we are also a industrial supplier, but I guess we are a little more in tune with people as people and not just as companies, and we understand the situation. We will credit the goggles at full if you chose to return them. But know that you are not going to find them exact (Because the color of the exact ones have been changed at the MFG) May I suggest a good masking job and silver paint. Just a suggestion, I tried it here and it looks pretty darn good, has to be a laquer paint or it bubbles on the PVC body of the goggle.
Allen Bergles
Morton Safety
I am impressed with their customer-service and their honesty about the product. Now if only they would get rid of that minimum order thing........!