Drabbles: Letting Go, The Hour After Midnight, Bloody Mary, Homecoming

Aug 08, 2008 22:22

Title: Letting Go
Rating: PG-13 for implications
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (Tenth), Jack Harkness; Jack/Ten
Prompt: #210, susurration
Summary: It's easier to give in when there's someone telling you that you're allowed to.

"I can't," he announced, his voice only several decibels lower than it had been a moment ago, when it had risen above the sounds of the TARDIS's engines; now it hovered at even level with the wheeze of the ancient rotors, and it was a job to pick out the Doctor's words from it.

Jack didn't move his hand, pressing a kiss to the Time Lord's neck, more easily accessible than the rest of him from their position, the Doctor's back to him, hands on the console. "Yeah, you can," he told him, and the Doctor gave up on his protests.

Title: The Hour After Midnight
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (Tenth), Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness.
Prompt: #128, phobia
Summary: This running joke has to stop. Spoilers for 4x10 "Midnight".

They had just been joking, as they always had done, but the Doctor's reaction startled them. The old repetition had been met with a step taken back, a shake of the head and, "No, don't do that." It was as if they had prodded at a wound.

Rose looked to Donna for an answer she knew that the Doctor wouldn't give her.

"Long story," Donna told her, "He doesn't like when people repeat after him."

"Never minded it before," Jack commented, half to Donna and half to the Doctor, and even he's surprised when the Doctor is the one to answer.

"That was before."

Title: Bloody Mary
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (Seventh), Ace
Prompt: #69, through the looking glass
Summary: And so Ace broke the mirror. Allusions to Supernatural 1x05 "Bloody Mary".

The mirror was broken, shards spread halfway across the room by the time that he found her, standing before it. "Fifteen years of bad luck," he commented lightly, prodding a particularly large shard of glass out of his path with the end of his umbrella.

"Didn't like the way she was looking at me," Ace replied sourly, glowering at the remnants of the mirror.

"Who?" He couldn't help asking, even if he was sure that he already knew, and her confirmation made him smile. That was a mystery for someone else to solve, after all -- not her, and not him, either.

Title: Homecoming
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Ace, the Doctor (Tenth)
Prompt: #30, something that never happened
Summary: She hates him for leaving her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want him to take her back.

He left her behind on a little planet she had come from. He left her with a tape recording of his voice saying goodbye, and she never threw it away. He left her with a new life, and she hated him for it.

"Who says I never wanted the old one?" she snaps at the new Doctor, this one she's never met before, when she finally catches up with him, and he's rubbing the cheek she slapped. "I wanted to stay!"

"You couldn't," the Time Lord says, looking momentarily mournful, but she isn't put off by that.

Instead, she asks, "What about now?"

midnight, ace, the doctor, jack harkness, passing mentions, challenge prompts, drabbles, short!fic, rose tyler, dw100, spoilers, s4 spoilers, donna noble

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