Teaser: The Blood-Letting

Aug 02, 2008 05:08

Title: The Blood-Letting
Author: Ry (curseangel / dreamsforlease)
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (Tenth), Jack (later to be known as Captain Jack Harkness), OMC (Yorick) / Jack/Doctor, Jack/OMC
Warnings: Oh god, here we go. Blood, gore, language, mature themes, dark themes, violence... possible sex and some twisted stuff in later chapters.
Disclaimer of Sorts: Yorick belongs to nakitamanomiko, I didn't make him, I just love him to pieces (possibly literally, apparently).
Summary: The two years that Jack never remembered, but the Doctor will never forget. Teaser from part one.

It's like a scene from a bad film, and it gives him a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, something inside of him rebelling against what was quite obviously right before his eyes. He didn't want to believe it - his first instinct was to turn around and leave, because surely this couldn't be right; he had to be seeing someone else. He couldn't possibly be seeing who he thought he was, holding the blade pressed to someone else's throat.

He doesn't run, though he longs to in a way he isn't even completely sure he understands. He's dealt with people in the past who have turned out to be something utterly other from what he believed them to be, but he doesn't think it's ever sickened him so much to see it. There's blood on the walls, and a sick smile on his old friend's face that chills him to the bone. Absently, he notes the absence of the RAF coat, the youth of features he's grown used to seeing more lines on.

This isn't a man that he knows.

The Doctor calls no attention to himself, but that doesn't keep him from being noticed, the other's ice blue eyes locking onto his as if there had been a sensor in the doorway- and, the Time Lord considers, there very well may have been. He could turn now, leave before Jack can cross the room and grab his arm, forcing him to stay, but by the time it occurs to him, the Time Agent has already moved, and there's a knife already covered in someone else's congealing blood pressed to his throat, and he's being pressed back against the doorframe.

Movement beyond what's necessary - breathing, hearts beating - isn't an option, as Jack presses the blade only too close to his skin and asks in a voice the Doctor recognizes but a tone that he does not, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The thought crosses the Doctor's mind that the truth probably wouldn't be appreciated. Most interrogators - or, he was assuming based on the evidence presented, torturers - didn't take kindly to, 'I'm a time-traveling alien who knows you in the future'. Even if it was the truth.

Finally, he decides on an answer, leaning back further against the frame, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure from the knife. "A friend." It isn't true, not now, and he can see the disbelief in his future/past friend's eyes, and he wonders what will happen next. Despite the blade, he almost doesn't believe that the other will kill him, and maybe it's that confidence that keeps him alive, because Jack pulls back just a fraction of an inch, giving him room enough to breathe.

"Not of mine," the Time Agent states flatly, and the Time Lord is suddenly sure that the only reason the blade was removed even that much was in the hope of getting a longer answer from him. "Now tell me what you're doing here, or things are going to get violent." That gives the Doctor an interesting opportunity, and he takes it, however ill-advised that may be.

"Oh," he says, with a slight, unfelt smile, "I thought they already had; that's a relief."

teasers, the doctor, rated r, jack harkness, original character, darkfic, jack/omc, jack/doctor, the blood-letting

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