Mar 15, 2011 20:23
Some of you may have heard me talk about my mother's recent problems with her crazy neighbors, who were basically trying to force her and my brother into moving through complaining to the city that they were not in proper compliance with the zoning regulations for the neighborhood because there were too many residents in the house. This is what my mom has to say about it, and she solicits your comments:
Banner Headline for us!
"Out of compliance, but exempt from residency rules," declares City of Fort Collins. In the spirit of "The Public's Best Interest" the complaint about our live-in Kenny help is not going to be honored. Furthermore, the following other complaints are found without merit (no, I'm not making this up; you can get the case number from me if you want and read all 15 pages of notes taken by the Compliance Manager of Neighborhoods, or whatever he is)... seriously, the neighbors complained about these things!
1. Jim, the husband downstairs, mows the lawn and shovels snow.
2. Children are allowed to play in the back yard, including Sundays.
3. We close our car doors when we come home after dark.
4. We have company for dinner.
5. ??? Though there is no proof, we are known to throw gravel on neighbor's roof.
6. We have too many cars in the driveway.
7. Cars that belong to Kenny's nurses are parked on the public street.
8. Garbage cans blow over on windy days and trash spills.
9. We call our dogs inside when they bark.
10. We use the pathways on our property to get to the back yard.
11. We are a "zoo" and/or a "circus."
12. Kenny, by implication, should live in an institution, not at home.
The city spent hours and hours investigating us. They wrote down lisence car plates, times people come and go here, they interviewed other neighbors who think we are nice, they interviewed me in our home three separate times, and have seen Kenny's tubes and machines. I haven't felt this exposed or intruded upon in a long, long time. For eight years these neighbors publically admitted they have wanted us to move away. I think it is partly to do with fear of Kenny, and partly to do with being in a terrible mood their whole lives. They detest children openly, though they live 500 yards from an elementary school (oh my gosh, the children get outside time for recess!).