First of all, let me say that this was not a snap decision. I have been thinking about doing this literally since I was six or seven years old, when I first fell in love with Anne Shirley and Vesper Holly as characters. And with all of the chaos of my life lately, it felt good to make a decision about myself that I could have some control over. So for the curious, and also so people might in fact recognize me when I see them on the street, here are some pictures of
it took a couple of tries to get the color right, and it took a couple of days for me to not be completely startled a little confused every time I looked in the mirror. But in general, I love the change and I love how it looks on me. I sincerely doubt I'll stay a redhead for the rest of my life, but I'm having fun for now and that's what counts. I really like looking into the mirror and seeing a very slightly different person there, and imagining how that slightly different personmight be able to have slightly different possibilities opened to her.