[12 of 100] Monday, But Not Quite Monday

Mar 02, 2009 09:20

I had a truly amazing and inspiring weekend at the Iron Pentacle workshop I attended.  I knew I needed to do the work that the Iron Pentacle calls for (the points are sex, pride, self, power, and passion, for the curious) but was feeling a fair amount of trepidation about what it would mean to work on those points and engage the shadow side of them.  The weekend started painfully and on Saturday morning I was feeling drained and exhausted and kind of hopeless.  Connecting to my own energy felt hard hard, so hard, and I was doing all this heavy emotional processing without feeling like I could move the energy in any healthy way.

And then it got better.  It got so much better.  I credit this partly to the group that was present, who were amazing, partly to the wonderful teachers who held me in safety and love, and partly to the work, particularly the work of just running the pentacle through my body over and over again, until I was able to actually ground and center and send the energy where it needed to go.  By Saturday night I was tired, but not in that exhausted, trembling, "I can't cope" kind of way.  I was tired the way you are after a day of really productive work. I thought when I came home on Sunday afternoon I would want to just veg, especially since I felt like I was coming down with the cold Tish had last week, but I found myself a flurry of activity, picking up the house and going grocery shopping before going to my drawing class, where I had a great, focused, and creative time and produced two drawings that I actually really liked.

Now it's Monday morning.  I slept well, and think the virus is feeling cowed before the might of the zinc and C I have been taking.  Tish is working from home today, since we have YE GODS ALL OF THE SNOW and it feels like a special treat to have him here, especially since I didn't see much of him this weekend.  We've had a filling breakfast, the house is warm, I've slept well, and I have a clear path for the work I need to do today.  It is Monday, but it feels like a gift, and that's not like a Monday at all.

spirituality, creativity, domesticity, 100 days

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