"Wow, you just cut right to the chase there, didn't you?"

Jan 21, 2011 17:54

... apparently, so does the show itself! I've always loved how they follow-up on events and conversations despite it being a procedural. I guess I'm so used to other shows pretending that what appeared to be a meaningful development never happened by never bringing it up again, or waiting for another "mythology" episode to do so, that I was almost taken aback by Booth approaching Sweets. :O


(I do know that 6x08 and 6x09 got switched places because they wanted to go out with a bang and I used to feel a bit OCD about it, but now I'm glad because this episode following "Doctor in the Photo" MAKES MORE SENSE.)

It's good to know that Booth is not a liar (except to himself - he's pretty good at that!) and it bothered him that Hannah didn't know about Brennan and him. I think he does love Hannah and really wants to give himself another chance at happiness after having been rejected so many times in his life since childhood. However, I refuse to believe that he no longer loves Brennan. It appears that he's buried the feelings deep inside to protect himself and adopted "I've moved on; I don't love her" as a mantra in order to deal. A mantra he's been repeating to himself for so long that he actually believes it. I mean, he sure never misses a chance to declare it to other people (especially Sweets) a lot this season, and what was it Gordon Gordon once said?

"You know, I often find that when people declare what they are not, it almost invariably turns out that that’s precisely what they are."


I have to say that Hannah finding out about B/B has been on my wishlist for a while, and since Booth told her it's her he loves and wants to be with, it's understandable that she didn't step down like I'd wanted her to. Just as well because I'd always imagine the reveal differently, so it's probably a good thing that the show can still surprise me.

I found the wording Booth used to talk about his relationship with Brennan very interesting, namely "She kind of still has feelings for me" and "She loved me; it was in the past." They never said they loved each other back in #100, but apparently they both knew it; it's the first time he's admitting to knowing she loved him on screen. The phrase that followed, "I told her it was never gonna happen again" was bordering on odd, though. There's a broken bridge as to what "it" is supposed to refer to; he's rambling. Also, present tense when he appraches Sweets & past tense with Hannah. Another clue that he more wishes for a fresh start with Hannah and for everything to be "in the past" to be more true than it actually is.

Brennan's, "He told you?" when Hannah discloses that she knows about her and Booth was very telling because it's very obvious how much things have changed between B/B. No more "what goes on between us is ours"; no more drinks after cases together. When was the last time they had a meaningful conversation about their beliefs? Hannah said she didn't want to affect Brennan's friendship with Booth, and yet that's exactly what happened.

What I'm really wondering at is the Brennan/Hannah friendship, idek. I couldn't do that. Most people couldn't do that. But I guess Brennan is not most people... Clark is right about the possibility of the potential emotional fallout being cataclysmic, though, if they really consider themselves such good friends.

Speaking of Clark,

"My money is on Booth and Dr Brennan."

I'm with you, bb. At least SOMEONE on this show isn't fooled. I wonder if he is a resident researcher at that Common Sense Institute of Angela's.

Right now I'm just very curious as to how the situation is going to unfold from now. Booth/Hannah relationship seems solid, but at the same time we know that it's not endgame. Where do Booth and Brennan go from here? What choices will they make, what decisions will contribute to them crashing back into each other?

I feel something I never thought I'd feel this season... excitement.


1. LOL at the boyfriend taking his clothes off in the beginning. "You're so gonna regret that," I thought. I was right.

2. Was it the official grant of our undying wish to actually hear Sweets sing "Lime in the Coconut"? Thanks, I guess, but I think I'm going to keep hoping for a more elaborate version when he's, idk, not out of breath. :D

3. "Scrape the evidence off and try not to swallow it." OOH, THEY'RE EVIDENCE. *colourful "Proof in the Pudding" memories*, I wonder if they had to help each other with the whole scraping off thng. ;)

4. CLARK ASKED YOU A VALID QUESTION, CAM. Seriously, what about your dashing boyfriend and his possible mommy issues? I kind of hoped to see more of you two after that lovely lunch date in S5.

5. "Symbolic defriending - rough stuff." Very true. I've done it. The XXI Century way of letting people know you want nothing to do with them anymore. HEH.

6. Hodgins never removed his "Angie" tatoo! :D It's sweet that he agreed to get a house together for their new family, but I do kind of wish it wasn't that same house where somebody was killed. I have no trouble believing that Paisley cut Hodgins a sweet deal to get the hell out of there as soon as possible, lol.

Also, EEE ULTRASOUND! <3 The baby looks quite big already, I wonder what month Angela is.

7. Little White Lie Code (LWLC) developed in the Common Sense Institute by Angela is very elaborate and quite on the money. Angela has an uncanny way of explaining human psychology to Brennan in a way that she simply rolls with. ;)

8. Anderson was kind of hot. Too bad he turned out to be a psychopath.


P.S. I do not watch the promos, so no spoilers past the episode.

i saw what you did there, common sense institute, reaction posts, oic oic, tv shows, curiouser and curiouser, bones, booth/brennan

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