I didn't think they'd do another Taffet episode this soon, so my interest instantly peaked when I saw her. I kept fidgeting in my chair throughout the scene in the police van b/c HOLY SHIT the woman gives me the creeps like no other. Anyway, I figured, more court with Sweets being the one she got to this time, and then... AND THEN. :O
That was one graphic, gruesome headshot I never saw coming. *gags* It's probably for the best that they were pushed to a later time slot this year.
Gotta say, Max wasn't the first suspect I thought of, but I thought it was both amusing and frightening how he pretty much was all of theirs. The scene where he tells Brennan he's in Thailand and there's snow in the background made my blood run cold. I definitely didn't want Brennan to have to deal with Max being a killer again, so I'm glad it turned out to be someone else.
Speaking of Max, it was a pleasant surprise to see his desire for Booth and Brennan to get together pursued! I laughed at how if B/B are finally together was pretty much the first thing he asked Angela when he showed up. Brennan's, "I don't want to talk about it" was very sad, though. She's obviously still affected by the rejection more than she lets on.
I felt so sorry for Sweets who kept listening to Taffet's hurtful words over and over again. Poor bb, I kept wanting someone to overhear and seize the recording. Pretty amazing how the one person who knew what to say to make him feel better was Caroline, though. Such a touching scene; she never stops surprising me. Also, the music in that scene!
- ... and who's Taffet?
- Dead serial killer.
Is it bad that I wasn't that disturbed at Hodgins' reaction to Taffet's death? It seemed very in character, especially given the scene in "The Boy With The Answer" where he told Angela it's like Taffet is still between them. He's probably finally able to sleep for the first time in years.
I liked that the killer turned out to be Booth's blast from his army sniper's past, someone he knew by name.
- You must know who the killer is.
- I do.
Chills, guys. CHILLS.
The showdown in the end was pretty incredible as well. "I don't need a warrant. This property belongs to Seeley Booth." HECK YEAH. :D I wasn't sure about Booth going in there with no back up whatsoever, given how sure they were the guy did it, but when he said, "I didn't want to let anyone down" and he looked at Brennan like this:
I yielded. So like Booth, wanting to protect his people from possible danger, especially her.
What Taffet said about her not being the only one responsible for the kidnappings rang my alarm bells, though. Was she leading Sweets on, as part of her scheme to give him a confindence plunge? Is it really over? It's almost hard to believe that after all this time, but I hope so.