wacky weekend

Feb 20, 2005 15:05

whoa its been the most RANDOM weekend ever. lets recap:

Friday: just stayed home and chilled until like 10. That was when i decided that i was WAY too  bored on a friday night and this could not be tolerated. soooo i got dressed in my little ballet outfit and decided to take pictures. i'll post them at the end. no i don't take classes so dont tell me that my form sucks because i know that =). i was just having fun hehe. so i did that until...mm...2.

Saturday: woke up at like 10 to a phone call from the poodle and we decided that we needed to make french toast for breakfast at her house. So she came and got me at like 11. But, on the way to her house we got a little distracted by Fashion Oaks and decided to take a look...'hey, maybe they'l have some corsets for monte carlo!',we thought. So we made a little pit stop, but guess what's next door?! BEANSCENE OF COURSE and a tripple B and chai tea latte sounded mighty fine =). so we 86'd the french toast and had a little breakfast Oak-Parkian style. We finally ended up at poodles at around 12:30 ish after some weird-asian-clothes-store-owner-ness and yummy cheesy-egg-bagel-stuff. So we went inside and played with the puppies (and nana) a little and then thought 'HEY ruffles is dirty! why dont we give her a wittle bathey poo'.  That was fun. Just picture this: water everwhere, poodle half in a bathing suit/have not, a little ball of white fluff, and a blow drier. YEP, that was about how it went. After that little ball of fluff was clean, we decided that we needed to be productive, but there's nothing to do in Oak freaking Park.
Me: "poodle, i want a baby. Maybe it's just because i have my period and my hormones are going nutso, but i realllly really want one."
poodle: "OMG  i get like that too! I just pull out all my baby dolls and play with them =)"
Me: "OMG what a good idea! aww...i wish i had a real one though! i used to tell sean that and he'd be like 'but baby, we'll get in trouble!' Lmao ahh good times, good times"
poodle: "*lightbulb* i have the GREATEST IDEA!" let's go to the hospital, sneak into the maternity ward, and look at all the newborn babies!"
Me: "OMG POODLE THATS AMAZING, why didnt i think of that? lets go."
So we got our stuff together and left. But on the way, of course, we got distracted by the mall and decided that we HAD to make just a little stop =). But, while we were shoping, we got a call from BT saying that he could only eat dindin with us if we ate at 4 :-/ . that meant no time for the hospital! So we left the mall, went to pick up Nana, and headed for Moorpark (kraproom backwards, might i point out) where we ate dinner at Wood Ranch with BT and Shirley. They are so freaking adorable..ahh it kills me. Then Nana and poodle dropped me off at home so i could shower and get my stuff to sleep over! so i did that, blah de blah, and ended up back at poodle's at 7.  We just sat around for a little while and hung out until yet another bright idea came into our minds. Poodle was sitting on her bed writing a poem for english while i was on the compie looking at livejournals and cute song lyrics when we noticed it was raining cats and DOGS outside. Even though both of us are sick and COUGHING UP LUNGS, we decided we just had to go play in it. But, of course, the second we go outside it stops. So we thought maybe we'd just hang around in the garage and wait for it to start again. BUUUUUUt, we got just a tad distracted *giggle*. Tina (poodle's car) was just sitting there looking so lonely. So, i sat in her and started fiddling and playing around. A couple minutes later, poodle gave into temptation and joined me. I'd say we spent a good 45 minutes in that damn car taking pictures and waiting for the rain that never came. Oh well, we had fun anyways =). When our car-fun-temptation was fully fulfilled we went inside, had some turkey sandwiches, got bundled up in our PJs, and turned sex in the city on in her mommy's ginormous bed =). Soon after, we fell asleep.

Sunday: woke up at 10 and made french toast without any distractions this time. Our longing to be with babies was unquenched, so we decided to go to the hospital and stop at Val Surf on the way. The hospital was such a great experience. i know all you people are like 'wtf those girls are so weird' but seriously, come on.  i'd never been in a hospital before so i was thankful to be going with poodle for my first time and for no reason at all. After parking at the very top, almost walking into the ER, and lying to the girl as to why we were there, we ended up at the nursery. There were two babies there; one boy and one girl. They were the most beautiful things i have ever seen. It's so amazing to look into the eyes of something so pure and untouched. It doesnt know what kind of place the world is... It's never been lied to or hurt; never been heartbroken, or lost somebody it loved with all its heart. It doesnt know sadness or lonelyness. It doesn't see war or people killing others. It doesn't know what its like to have trusted someone with your life and have that shattered in a matter of minutes...it doesn't know anything. Some say thats the ideal way to be; naiive, dependent on others, and ignorant so you don't see all the ugly in the world...but without the ugly there's no beauty, so is it really worth it? That's definitely something to ponder.....After that refreshing experience we had lunch and poodle dropped me off at home =). So that's my weekend so far. I'll just leave you with some pics and quotes:

my ballet adventures:

with poodle:

poodle: *in the corner eating a klondike bar*
me: *singing* what would ya do for a klondike bar?
poodle: *mutters under her breath* i would slit your throat and kill your mom.
me: *turns around slowly* dink. thaaats awkward.
poodle: whaaat it rhymes.

waiting for the rain

poodle: okay, we need a game plan.
me: i sayyyy we go get some boyfriend's and  screw em.
poodle: alright, im in.

annd after the hospital. look at our cool sticker things! =)

thats all for now kids <33

His eyes are blue just like the ocean
His heart is a river free
And now and then he gets the notion
And he finds his way to me
His love’s like…
Rain on a tin roof
The sweet song of a summertime storm
And oh, the way that it moves you
It’s a melody of passion ragin’ on
{ And then it’s gone }

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