Jul 05, 2007 17:57
I have come to realize that becoming a teacher may not be what some would call "hardcore". It may seem like I am "conforming" to certain ideals of what an English major becomes after graduation. It might even occur to some of you that I have really become a "square", or one of them.
For all that is unholy and atheist people, they let me become a teacher. I hope these kids are ready to have their faced rocked and rolled up and down some mind altering literature. Shape and mold their minds with works that will broaden and expand thought. Or, My one goal is to kids to want to read again. What happened to read ins? what happened to shared interest in some silly book series. There are more than just Harry potter books out there.
And think of it this way, I'll be able to pay off those nasty student loans and finally after long last I will get okay health coverage.
I've got a really cool theme I want to decorate my room with. But red arm bands might give people the wrong Idea..