hour glass

May 03, 2006 18:04

wow, it's been a long time
I can't believe how quickly a year has passed. I got this live journal account about a year ago now, and so many things have changed in my life.
Some, for the better, some for the worse. For example, my average at school is most assuredly worse. However, my outlook on life is markedly more hopeful. Over the last few months I've spent a lot of time thinking about what is really important to me, what I like about myself, and what I want to change. It all started with a student's retreat I went on in January. A small group discussion question was 'what do you like most about yourself, and what do you dislike most about yourself?'. I was hard pressed to come up with concrete answers to either question. I knew that I disliked my sinfulness and disobedience, but I had a hard time really looking beyond those things to figure out what needed to change.
Last summer, on my pilgrimage, a priest in the Confessional asked me to think about what I wanted my spiritual life to by like by the time I reached 25. It took the entire week that I spent in Bosnia to figure it out.
Mark Heart has a cd set that is based on the hourglass. He talks about time-past, time-present, and time-future. Since my first blog entry, I've been asked to think about time past at the student retreat and time future in a confessional half way around the world. What I've really taken from the last year is that I need a good understanding of time-past, a solid hope for time-future, and a sense of flexibility, joy, faith, and hope to live in the time-present.
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