f plus 7 days - thru the looking glass

Mar 01, 2023 14:57

some thoughts which provide a more complete picture, but taken individually could fall in other people's venn diagram domains.

  • the tangle of stitches behind my lower lip feels like 2 woolly bear caterpillars fighting for world domination.
  • my septum is a pincushion cactus, but touching the needles sends debilitating pain directly into the top of my nose.
  • my capacity to rewatch star trek discovery is inversely offset by my attention span, which is pretty low.
  • i can start to see my new face emerging - a little bit more each time we redo the bandages - and i am enraptured.
  • my taste in music has seen an enormous shift in the last couple weeks; not really sure why.. just a heavy influx of new sounds. it's exciting and i feel is directly related to changes occurring with my self-acceptance. i.-fucking-e.: i can't get enough of this song. lol
  • covid testing has had the interesting side effect of dispelling the childhood trauma of "don't put things in your nose" - just in time too, as i now feel completely comfortable putting a quarter tube of neosporin up my nostrils every few hours.
  • if you're going to trust someone with your meds, you need to be very fucking sure they read and understand all of the provided documentation. this is one thing i would have changed about this process: was made sure i understood my medication schedule prior to being oxy-addled.
  • massage my scalp, but hitting as few staples as possible?
  • faith and trust in someone to the point of letting them cut into your face is a weird thing to feel cavalier about - i feel strange about not having doubts about my surgeon. i mean, i did select her of the options available to me (or i would have if i hadn't already had her presented to me); regardless, it was a (to my current knowledge) a perfect match. currently, i have zero regrets about this.
~ fuck it up to the tempo ~

introspection, surgery, transition

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