Detroit Revitalization Projects Outlined comments and constructive cirticism encouraged

Feb 06, 2005 15:24

Michigan Cool Cities- Detroit Revitalization-Outlined Ideas of Sustainable Revitalization

School Revitalization:

Local colleges
-Send interns into service projects throughout the city in return interns get benefit of on the job training, paid internships, tuition forgiveness
-Cheaper for businesses and organizations, temporary work means less benefits to pay, new out of the box idealistic thinking from college and post college kids
-possible full tuition payment for 4+years of service and possible housing options
-more students through D.P.S. with better quality education, more qualified college students, more adults going back to get G.E.D’s and onto college
-bigger businesses will come to the city because of better educated citizens
-more income tax from businesses because of the quantity of businesses and productivity
-more government funding

Local High School/Vocational Training
-repair and reconstruct buildings, money from charity, millage, research, bonds, students coming back, businesses tax incentives
-Specialize high schools for vocation, college prep, alternative education (research included), e-learning, dual enrollment, teen at risk programs (include development of social skills, trust, anger management, business skills workshops, communication skills, catch-up classes [reading, math, science, history, tutoring from interns], and counseling options)
-partner with businesses and research organizations to form new teaching models and paradigms and increase innovation
-breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all kids
-pay for ACT and/or SATs on student pref. Instead of M.E.A.P. to encourage college entrance
-Vocational Training Programs in:
Message therapy; alternative energy management; cosmetology certification; construction certifications; automotive certifications; medical billing; nursing program; factory certification
-4 years of high school programs, 2 year highschool two years at W.C.C.C., 2 years High School 2 years trade school
-Job placement assistance and internship placement through Job-link, funding to them, several stations throughout high schools in return
-AP courses both online and in-class available in all subjects possible
-combination education available i.e. distance learning, e-learning, abroad, classroom, dual enrollment, etc.
-international academy (like there is in Michigan already) Detroit station possible boarding?
-Social Service and Government Academy [includes political science program, pre-law, psychology program with behavioral sciences, social service program including international aid prep with agencies like red cross and salvation army, urban planning, arbitration/mediation training program that sends volunteers to grade schools in school district to teach conflict resolution, etc.]
-Science and Natural History Academy [includes alternative energy program, affiliation with local colleges for research, flight academy and airline hospitality, all disciplines of science and natural history along with pharmacology program, etc.]
-Special education Academy k-12 in it’s own building and works with research and hospitals
-Research Education Academy (includes organizations. Like High/Scope, and Waldorf and programs that don’t give letter grades and work better for students with ADHD and so on)
-Mathematic and Automotive Academy [includes basic math disciplines and partnerships with vocational and businesses]
-re-hab.. and counseling for free with commitment to program
-no junk food sold, gardens help to provide food for school district with science academy to offset costs
-traditional education high school available but most students encouraged throughout school years to go into specific training programs to prepare for career
-Fine Arts and Humanities Academy [include all disciplines of humanities like visual, performance, and graph arts]
Middle School
-character building/professional communication workshops
-conflict resolution classes and counselors for each school
-goal to bring kids up to speed academically and to highest academic performance possible
-focus on educational foundations and to assess students’ skills through monitored testing and put in proper classes
-virtual communications such as e-mail contact and homework available as well as lecture notes on school website, including grades and performance testing information, tutoring modules
-drug prevention programs that work
-parental involvement with teachers weekly e-mail from T.A. (College student or high school student0 family individual counseling for free
-High/Scope and other alternative education programs available
-at risk kids skill building programs
-breakfast, lunch, and snack provided
-smaller class sizes 20-1 ratio
-more custodians and school worker to hire citizens in community
-include special education students in training programs to work odd jobs in community and for schools
-relationship, stress management, self esteem, and study skill workshops
-re-hab. and counseling available free with commitment to program
-physical education alternatives and nutrition classes

Elementary Education
-at risk alternative education focus on skill building
-alternative education options like no grades and alternative reward programming
-breakfast, lunch, and snack
-no junk food allowed in school
-reading skills focused on along with social and math skills
-art programs and physical education, stress management, conflict resolution
-traditional educational program offered
-technological literacy supported
health screening available for free electronic system and notices
counseling, family and individual , family fun nights, strong family/school communications
electronic grades, attendance flow chart available online to parents, students, and teachers
seminars in technology, healthcare, and career development for teachers and administration
-tutoring available by older kids and computer programs
-special education program developmental skills, cognitive skills, social skills, math, and community skills/outings
-incentives for teacher who do well
random health and education inspectors, full access, unannounced

Pre-School/Head Start Programing
-parent/baby activities
-early childhood research education
-counseling available
-1 meal and 1 snack available
-nap times and the supplies needed for it
-lots of physical activity
-art and singing
-bi-lingual education
-activities that educate, explore, and developmental and social skills as well as educational skills are encouraged and what the education is centered around
-physical education and nutrition is mandatory hands on cooking with the kids is done like crafts

Administrative Changes
-salary caps for school officials
-reduce paper waste through computer software and technology (P.S.P.)
-food programs
-community enrichment/building training programs/professional training programs
-trust building activities/communication conflict resolution
-more accounting and financial and social services
-healthcare available in schools

Waste Management
-provide every citizen with large garbage cans, with lids as well as composting and recycling bins
-provide care and use information to public
-tax incentives for providing dumpster to community service projects for low to no cost
-hire through city instead of private to increase jobs and fairness
-truck or service to take yard waste to community compost sites
-create hazard areas
-hotline for tires and other items can be used for container gardening list provided to community
-clothing and linen dumpster containers available
-get rid of extra supplies on yards not being used to other organizations and community programs

Half way homes and Re-Hab House (Helping Hearts Homes)
-Community meals within homes
-medication at specified times a day
-rules and reg similar to adult foster care homes
-1 bed twin 2+ bed per room
-ability to start a new life in a family atmosphere and support
-all participants do chores
-education is a mandatory and must have GED if not vocational certifications
-clothing and furniture donated and bought
-drug and alcohol free environment, community garden on site
-for homeless, ex-prisoners, at risk youth, battered women/children, seniors, sickly, and disabled
- limited local calls
-ample education and community service opportunities
-job placement assistance
-housing assistance
-experimental/research pay to work with patients
-credit union system for money management in homes
-3 strike program
-regulations on personal items
-services offered for free to people seeking help

Urban Agriculture
-rows of trees and shrubs around city
-break up random cement and recycle it
-cut round holes in the earth and plant wadding pool container farms to get rid of blight and put soil in compost
-create playground and gardens in vacant lots and keep them up in maintenance
-plant grass and clean up lots
-rotate all crops yearly for bio-diversity
-create programs to benefit different demographics in city
-re-cement sidewalks and install street lights to deter crime
-get food banks and organizations involved
-habitat for Humanity all different sectors involved

Neighborhood Blight
-public reporting system and accountability for pot holes, bridges, sidewalks, reuse cement
-fix fencing
-hold neighborhood block parties and clean-ups
-provide literature, seeds, and information at neighborhood centers
-donate building, gardening, and received personal effects to re-store and salvation army
-help build neighborhood pride
-have crews pillage buildings city and citizens have agreed to knock down to give useful supplies to re-store and salvation army
-build gardens in fixed lots put for sale signs up
-hire more workers to establish condemned, for sale, abandoned, health risk home
-build play grounds (have surveillance cameras connected to local police stations to protect citizens and grounds)
-help to offer little to no cost pest control
-have more signs and enforcement about littering, loitering, neighborhood watch, and gang activity, also signs of how to recognize and report illegal dumping, prostitution, drug dealing, and child predators
-offer information about volunteer activity on neighborhood links site, city sites, and neighborhoods sites
-build websites for each neighborhood
-put signs up to create neighborhood pride
-replace ruined signs that can be cleaned of graffiti
-hold how to work shop series at neighborhood centers
-provide more funding to neighborhood centers for education and community reconstruction
-gang prevention, poverty prevention activities available
-workshops on building fortitude
-fix traffic lights with sensors and solar equipment research money to help
-get kids and adults involved
-community fun centers available at neighborhood centers
-have cops and city workers have to do x amount of community service projects
-replace damaged postal boxes
-provide online and paper complaint forms
-2 street lamps at least every block
-increased de-tox centers discrete, 24 hour? Na and AA support groups (helpline)
-community counseling centers low cost to no cost
-tax incentives for “Green” environmental projects
-yearly celebrations for volunteers and neighborhood improvement, improved scholars, conflict resolution, crime reduction, educational opportunities
-create stigma for:
-being wasteful
-not helping (no community service)
-talking negatively of the revitalization and city
-drug use/dealing
-give citizens talking points and information on how to improve lives and who to contact about a variety of concerns and worksheets to make complaints most effective

Criminal Justice System
-more cop visibility
-random party store checks for illegal activity
-increase funding towards enforcement of rules
-more cops hired for neighborhood watch
-increase in academy with high school to increase cops in the city, agreement of x years of service on the Detroit Police Force
-use of U of M study of drug dealing sociology in Detroit to better spot drug dealing
-create more tip lines and forms to go to correct departments and accountability online and in person
-more forms available online
-community relations workshops and activities
-educational advancement opportunities
-mandatory workshop and physical fitness programs
-hire individuals that have successfully turned around large metropolitan areas in crime rates to make suggestions for change
-re-hab/ halfway homes and education programs mandatory for individuals after jail time convicted of drug, prostiution, violent, and gang related offenses
-help get funding for police to get training they need
-zero tolerance policies
-internet and television photos and information of criminals of all violent and sexual crimes in the county on their first account
-neighborhood announcement of offender buying property in neighborhood
-self defense basic and advanced available to citizens free
provide as little opportunity as possible to fail /return to life of crime
-institution, modeled after California, for sexual assault, time length to be discussed but not until board reviews individual’s recovery from mental illness causing sexual assault job training, and education available and all human rights respected. Patients go after they serve time for offenses.
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