Feb 10, 2005 19:54
So I was at work with gary and I went home to grab the laundry to dry it at work on tuesday. When I went to open gary's door and slipped on the rock garden and instead of landing on my feet flat I landed on the sides of my feet and then I rolled losing my balance onto the top of my foot. I screamed bloody murder and the neighbors came out to see what was wrong I was so embarrassed. Well that was at 11 o'clock and I kept working till 430 pm and it hurt so very bad. I almost passed out several times. So then we get to the doctor, angel and I that is, and we aren't seen from 5pm till 730pm. Then they did the xrays and all that good stuff. Turns out I have a partial soto jones break in my right foot by the pinky toe. So today I went and got a cast and the doctor was really quick and jerks me by my ankle to bring me down to him. Which just happened to be connected to the bone that was broken, owe, his name is dr. levine on woodward at 43368 don't go to him it was awful. So now I have a huge bright yellow cast and I'm stuck up in the house for two weeks boooo. But at least I won't need surgery. and I will be able to go back to work in two tuesdays. and angle's going to go with me for the first two weeks. it's going to be so nice to spend the time with him and everything. Well love you all and peace be with you.