The respectable, reputable media present a version of what has happened in the world that can be as misleading as possible without being actionably wrong about what actually happened. (The disreputable media just make it up, but you know that.)
As the man said, it's an absolutely brilliant name. But the forces of repression are seeking to steal this minor crumb of circus fun from the good people of Britain.
Jo Johnson was not getting it on multiple levels. Firstly, and more boringly, he was seeming to claim it as a Departmental responsibility, on the grounds that the Department for
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So, for those of you don't spend your time there (perhaps wisely), Facebook have introduced Reactions, so instead of just being able to 'Like' posts, you can choose one of six icons to indicate Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry
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[Meta note: I'm experimenting with writing more things but less thoroughly, so this will be less thought-through than I would normally do. And where better to start with that sort of approach than with a highly contentious and very complex international affairs issue
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For this one, I think we should score a single run for any mention of Nepal, and a four for it prompting a donation to the DEC. Oh, and
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Just as I was thinking the phone hacking story was dying, along comes a reviver story. It's almost as if the news is being managed. This plus Wikileaks and Trafigura and all the ace ops data stuff makes me want to support The Guardian, especially given the eye-watering rate at which they're burning through the Scott Trust assets. But I don't
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The nuclear power station issues following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is reinforcing my strong but just-on-the-pro-side views of nuclear power. (At the time of writing, three - or more - reactors that shut down when the earthquake happened are having trouble with cooling the residual heat, and there's been an explosion at one plant,
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