Doctor Who and work

Jun 24, 2008 12:31

So I was thinking about a recent Doctor Who episode I saw recently. (England is a couple episodes ahead of us and I'm been trying to catch them) In the trailer for the season finale they show pictures of Martha Jones, of the Torchwood gang, and even Sarah Jane Smith. It made me think about the Cosmology of the current Doctor Who universe. Jack Harkness has already gone from Doctor Who to Torchwood, to Doctor Who and back to Torchwood. Crossing back and forth for different stories and staggering between seasons. In his case they made reference to him not travelling with the Doctor anymore, but everyone keeps coming back to the central show, Doctor Who. Which brings me back to the point. Doctor Who is some sort of central main show with it's spin offs, but all the satellite shows keep making appearances and references back into it. The have their own lives and it's reflected back in the main part. It's made it's own living universe in it's current incarnation. With a dialoge of sorts between all of the variations and spin offs. It's just very interesting that they have chosen to maintain that sort of complex relationship. I'm not aware of another show or group of shows referencing back directly into each other. Maybe Battlestar and Razor, but I've not watched enough of those to know for sure. Still, this type of integrated story is fascinating and certainly makes for a more complex overall universe for them to work in. I'm certainly looking forwards to what they have coming up next.

Also, I've been trying to find work again. The movie I worked on was interesting and I made some contacts for sure. However, being a movie, it is a short term thing. I don't know enough people to get another job in the film industry immediately, and I'm not sure I want to. I heard you have to be crazy to work in film. You have to love it so much you don't mind the 12hr days, the weird hours, and the stress. You do it to make odd items, have those moments where you're in a location you never expected to be, setting up a scene that's pure fantasy. I'm not sure I love it enough. We'll see though. Still, I've reinvested in my resume, working on trying to get some focus on something I really want to do. IN this case it's a position as an Art Director. I think I could pull it off. Right now I'm trying to find out info about that. What does the job entail, how do the projects work, how do you interface with clients and/or artists, and what sort of jobs would one get to lead up to a position like that. (I'm accepting any info or job offers on that vein.) But in the meantime I just got an offer to go back and do the database computer stuff I was doing previously for the cell phone industry. It's kinda scary, actually. Feels like backtracking. I don't want to make a career of that, I'd like to do something creative. Still, I need something to tide me over until I can get that Art Director job I'm looking for. SO I htink I'm going to do the database stuff part time, on contract. I'll pick up a few projects, get them done, and then move on. Wish me luck!
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